The Sun from New York, New York (2024)

10 Trifc fiuii, Monday, august isdt. fly ww i i (Clearing Sale Chances I Clearing Sale Chances! 'NeilFs. Money Saving Bargains from our Clearing Sale of LADIES' SUMMER GARMENTS I Silk Shirtwaists, formerly 3.7, now 1.98 Silk Shirtwaists, formerly 7.00, now 3.98 Linen Crash Skirts, formerly now. Irish Linen Skirts, formerly 2.00, now. 1.29 Irish Linen Tailored Skirts, formerly 5.00, now 2.39 French Pique Tailored Skirts, formerly now 1,98 200 WASH SUITS of Linen or Pique, Tailor Finished, formerly 4.00 to 6.00, I Now 1.98.

1 Sixth 20th to 21st St. I MANHATfAKTBEACHr ffj Swept by Ocean ttrrtxtm. Sousa's Concerts, 4 np.V I Pain's Fireworks, Sri'SSK Parry Opera Company. CS SIAIIIMlY HUVtHKHIHir UAIUIK. 111 Lery nve'gat Including Suinloy.


j) 1.111 PA-4TOII Nltl.S Tlll- MCKIi. Tho Mwm, ClneinatograpSe. Maud Nugent, Jeronio jf and lie! I. Now York MIrlature Comedy Co Tlfu Olll. rilK UlllllL.

TUB TOllM Ltlltdl UHEt-L MMtT N'EXT FRIDAY KVOI pi Attendance Cll-bsou tthcel.1 Phlrlbuilou TropMesI Boxes oucuplcJ by Worll Join net Telegraph bicycle -f- oontettauUl Audience voting for theinl lOOiu.Nlght. Aug 20 to ladles un I gntl J. a lluOF wk burliq, "Ilttli Casino" and ucWjOllo. 4 FLOATING. ROOF GARDEN.

KB STEAMER URAND REPUBLIC. Bfg Every ttenlng. Im lulling Sunday. Baud of SO. IS Hawkins, Lelle, Ryan.

Blond Sisters; E- other. Leaven W. it 1-. Battery I ending, gj J3: Endue Dock, klyn. 4S Returning 11 JO.

I IfFfiTH'Q Continuous Performance. llki 111 U3c SUc Noon tn 11 P. II. i- Union! und Huth, lllloms and alker, Arthur 1M and Jeuule Dunn. Great Rtograpb, Gardner and Ely, Three Marveling, 31 Other Stan.

i Fri A 5 fC unci" turn. (Las' Fresher than ever' tfc Keopens Monday, AUj 10. yj 1 beat, read) Thurs Aug. 1 J. KOSTER BIAL'S oJJJ'dEv KT ndrvlllA and Prnturmatln Concert.

Trom 7i30 lJ. until midnight. LllDCD'C WTHST MUSEUil 10c. to all Ilyp- I llnrn A notlc Uonte, only flue, arnilena plan litas human pin cushion Theatre, flrama. and udevlUe.

Kb BPflOJ CIO Open. Sext Saturday. fabio-romani. jV niu mi.i- fi Rummer gStdovtg. Sharon SpriiiRS.

SHARON SPRtNGSjNX PAVILION HOTEL, Open June 15. if JOHN OAHDNEIl SOX. I SHARON HOUSE, '1 Open Juno 1st to Oct. 1st. If.


ji, CATSKI1.L MOUNTAINS. TTtJLSE'S MOUNTAIN J1ETREAT Superior locv ye XX tloui aocommodatloa let for 8, uomalarlttiir tnonult Catsklll to Cairo, then carriage, aJdrtas 1ICLSE. box U7 bun omce. LONG 1SLANO. I Manhattan Beach Hotel I Oriental Hotel Now Open.

T. F. BILLECK, MANAQER. fj Bee Time Table Excursion Column. Si Bicyclist, can now ride direct to and have their WbeeU checked at Manhattan Beach Hotel, i BRIGHTON BEACH HOTEL )- Tftblrt bof dlDcrr.

IncluJlnp pint of tl, from Ik to 3 and 5 to p. Vlrnw Ut retUuranl sS 1 carta at cltj price II-t batblug tea and I. bouM on the coast Take Klngi County Elevuted pi rt Ualtu at Brooklyn Br.Ue every 0 minutes Time. 4 jtY 80ratnut. Fare 10 rents.

Excursion ao cents Ij i Swept by Ocean Breozes .1 CLIFFTOH HOUSE, patchooue. l. 1 on water front. An Ideal pot for recreation. A Ourf and still water bathing, lioatliig, Mahlug, inusloi 16 tOO rooms JbSKlHH A CLIFFTOH.


1 Fare to wsd bt, or south flkhy, bc. NEW JERSEY. it TUKM.AIIII ulng Lake, N.J. Directly on th beach! roinixlrli i Improved M.1UCIIAKDSO.S. rir Biiji aiiH lou.i Men 4-lty and Country.

6T. FRANCIS' COLLEGE 5 II1I.IU' il Vor boarders ami doy reopcus Sept. 13. If Tarrns reasuiiable. Bend for c.lalogue.

"SACRtD HEART ACADEMVT 'j. Select Catholic Uo.rdlng Bchool; educational ad- I i'' uusurpaa.edi open all jeari fall term ix gins 'i pt. 7. Address llru.

AUaUbT. West Chester, K. Y. I Law Ncuools. NEW YORK IaT "rhaol, U0 Drosdwav.

i kl I AU QPlinni school. Cooper Union. i LAW OliHUUL "Duliht tl.n. LL.1). In two years i I In three yean.

1 gnd for catalogue. OKOHUK CHAHh. De.n. 'A Uu.lue.. College.

KT T7A8TMAN DCSINFS8 COLLEOF. rounhkeepsl. N. Xlj NEW YORK HUSINFSS 1NBT1TI Th-Afford I thonugh education for bu.lness. liOOKKLhPINO, h.

Banking. Shorthand, Typewriting, Correspondence, and Preparatory Department. Hay and evening let- ri Call or write. O.O. OAINLS, Bl East tj.1 A LL summer, day, evening! Metropolitan Short- JtX band Bohooli rooms cool elevatoni all graduate.

placed. lOOBthav, UBOAUWAY CBTBi," IIOTM, 887 to 077. opposll. Ilond it In th. heart of New York, midway between Battery and Central Parki 9-X location absolutely unequalled fur business, sight- If gwlng.

and pleasure. TILLY HA YNES, Prop. UOrtKV WARTY, Frenoh tab), d'hote. et tli at. B.rvdln8ummerOard.n.

a Oono.rtav.ry.venlni.Lunch.40c.Kllnner.oOo. win. and Included! ten Ice a la carta at all 5 tVcnin4sratttrluei. neok. Cxruwions.

Manhattan Beach. Trains leave OOT EAST H4TH ST. week days, BiOO.6 40. 7 40. It SO.

11 00 A. tl IS 10, and halt hourly from 110 toS 40, 6 00, and half hourly from 6 40 to 10 40 P. rxiiiuiio citirrs. Tra'nsleac WIHTriHI.L ST wek da s. hourly from 0 10 A to lilO, and half hourly from 1:40 tod 10, 10 10 Additional train hat 11! 40P.M.

EXCL1UIOV TILKETH, 4S CKT8. Rockaway Beach. Trains leain E. H4TII ST K. week 9 40, 8 00, l) 10, 10 60 A.M IK JO, 1 0, 2 HO.

8 4 JO, .10, 0 80. 7 SO, 8'10, 10 P. Additional trains Saturdays only. 1 50, 80. 40 P.

31 Kxc. Oe. i rrom Ilrooklyn. OOr. Coney Island.

ci i.a mi noirrit. Trains leave foot HIT! II ALL ST via Bay Ridge, wr.kdsaud Stndays. 9 10. and half hourly from 10 10 A. JI to 10.

10P.M. Last train leave. Coney I.landll 88 P. BXClllSIU TICKKT. 95 CKVT.

Long Beach. Trains leao foot 1-ait 84th st N. week days, 0 00, 7 SI, 19 00. 10 50 A 1.20, 1:50, II 50, 3 80, 4 50, 5 20, 8 SO, SO. 10 00 I.


M. From Pier Kiml.Vo 1,. half an hour later. From Coney Island hourly from 10 40 A. M.

until 10.40 P. rXll'IUIOV TICHKTH, 35 CFXTS. Ticket, on sale at all downtown track stations of the Ele ated Railroads East Side passenger, transferred free to Battery Pl.ce. Returning East Side po-sengers deposit ticket, at Battery Place and ore transferred free to the East Side. Long Branch Asbury Park.

TtirouEii tickets to Asbury rrk via Atlantic Coast Fleitricitallroiul, pood during excursion season lbU7 tor sale at ticket offloe. LraYe foot aed st N. 9 80 A. 3 SO P. M.

Leave rierew)Ko I. 10 A.M. 4 P.M. Leave Lone Branch, 12 10? Kicurslon llcketa to ltnsr lira neb, TS Ctsw Rtoursloa Ticket fa Asbury Park. 9I.OO.

"THE VYORLD-FAUOUS PLEASURE GROUNDS." 1 afflffe. A lolUhtful sail on fast TIKI T1BLE-4TKAI1KR9 LKATK CanliBlist.t9f so, is ii a st, tl, 3.31 3 SB, a Itf. U. tli 81 Brooklyn IB S9. II a bmidii sso.

imi, imuu, int. i M.4S,a.,i, 4 16.141 r. Lkavi GLIN 181 iND IIM1H, S1 fll. n1Cortlt.i.Slrtf.,n 1 M. ItMM 1 1111 Ut Ortlaadt Ht onH, A tt, 1, T.

U. forallUadlnfii EXTRA BOATfl fUNDATS KXCUH9XON 40 c*ntS. Includluc Admission tou.ll Attraction. PATTE2V IJk IX1U HIIACM Al HACK, OOr. ANIILItV rillK AI Il.Cli, HOr.

"MARY PATTEV, ELBrilON, PLEASURE BAY." for Highland Bsiuh, Seabrlght, Pleaauro Bay Park, Long Branch. Asbury Park and Ocean Orove. Lv. West 13th ht. 00 A.M.


8TRH. OEN SLOCUM AND ORAM) REPUBLla West SJdst. .40 A.M, 10 00 A 31, IIIKK 1:88 P. West Kith S50 A M. M.1.4BP.M-.

Battery Landing. OllS A M.10 40 A 05 Bridge Round Dock. Brooklyn. a. 11 00 A.M Trip, noo 20 I Returu at 11:80 A.

0 and.Nun., OOo 0:80 P. I Music. 25c. ROCKAWAY BEACH. 25c.

Dally trlpi Iron btiamboat Angler leaving East 81st st UO A.M :15 Battery. 10.10 A II. and 8:10 M.t returning, leaving Rockaway 14 and 0 P. M. Roun 1 trip, 28c, children.

FISIIINO DAILY are 10c each way: buy bait on boat; steamer SCHUYLER: Eatt SI 1st st 7:18: Bridge dock, Brooklyn, 7.U0) Battery, 8: Franklin, 8 0. nANLOX SFA BASS PIRniNn Sew twin screw steamer AI, FOSTER, built In ISUi for safety, speed and comfort: dally from Fast 28d st 7 40, Battery, 20 sharp: fire 1 1, with bait: ladles, 80c. vhot roiT,, and rovuii. KKKrnlK dally KX( LltMiov (except Sundays), by Palace Iron Day Line Steamer. New York and Albany front Desbrosses St.

pier at 8 40 A M. and West 221 st. at 1) A. M. pPinnoforttjs.

fflrptw, lit. ORUAN SUITABLE SCHOOL OR MISSION, two manuals, IB stop, and pedals, band and foot blower: cheap; also grand piano. UbO Ocean Jersey City AT IlAKbalM. 7 oct medium site, S180 IS monthly, 7s oct large site. 1800 $11 monthly.

Others at from (128 is monthly ud. OORDU.N'S, 131) Fifth bet. 30th and 21.1 J8iWnttoi ffiuarues. 11RINTINO Every description done on the prem-. Uesi 10,000 circulars, li c.rds or billheads, 40o, per 1,000 up: other work equally orarrs at a few hours' notice; satisfaction given, trial sollo Itrd EDOAR PRINTINO AND STATIONERY CO 89 West 081a si.

WANTED An Investor for six percent. Water and Lleitrlc Light Company twenty year first mortgsge bonds, with Interest guaranteed by fr.tKlilse and contracts with cities; pl.nts situated In growing Texas towns of 4,800 to 8 000 population For further Informal! address BRAZOS, room 7. Colonnade Hotel, 1i Broadway, New York, cPatertw. fit Rlfll UCI nlbll PATENTS for Inventions procured promptly: low rates ItOEDLR ft BRIESEN, B2 Nassau N.y7i established 1884. gtxtionnl ftlotitw.

TVflLLAUD STEWART, or BlItCUjIENRY STEW JM. ART BIRCII MILLARD, othsrwlw HARRY Stewart, oitrrwu. harry birch, or, it hit children, are reqatsted to COMMUNICATE at one with to. anderslgnydi Any person who can glr. th pressnt address of th.

above, or. If h. b. dssd, con state when and when died, and whether he lsfi any ohlldran surviving, sirs) also rtquwUd to oom-munlcat. with the und.rslgnod.

8, UAKBIS0H CO 10 Bedford row. jwjm- WANAMAKERS FURNITURE The August Furniture Trade Sale is already making history. Here's a bit of it. Last Monday the demand for Parlor Furniture made great vacuums on the floor. This Monday the assortment is full again, and the prices, $1 5 to $300 a suit, are continued.

One hundred and sixty varieties have just been added to the Ladies' Writing Desks, making a choice of two hundred styles. The prices vary from to $100. Housekeepers, and especially book lovers who like to take care of good books, should know how cheaply books can be elegantly housed. There are over two hundred and fifty distinct styles of Book Cases, and the prices range from to $)2. Many of them cannot be duplicated, and the stock of numerous lots is limited to one or two.

Open front, 57 In. high, 28 in. wide, fancy rail top, 4 shelves. Open front, 57 in. high, 3S in.

wide, fancy rail top, 4 shelves. 0. Of Quartered Oak, with single glass door front, 6 ft. high, 28 in. ide, carved top.

f3. Of Imitation Mahogany, open front, 5 ft. 6 In. high, 32 in. wide, 4 shelves and polished finish.

$9-Of Oak, with single glass door front, 5 ft. high, 23 in. Ide, fancy French bevelled plate mirror In top. S9" Of Quartered Oak, double glass door front, carved top, 5 ft. 6 In.

high, 42 In. wide, with 4 shelves. $11. Of Oak, ith desk combined, 6 ft. high, 33 in.

wide, carved front, fancy French bevelled plate mirror in top, lxl t. $1250. Of Quartered Oak, with desk combined, 64 in. high, 38 in. wide, carved front, fancy French bevelled plate mirror in top, 11x14.

ft5. Fourth floor. 1 ihp Our public must not weary LAMi-a of the phrase Samples." It represents a sort of Klondike field from which many a nugget of economy may be pickecf up. Here's a chance. Lamps Royal Bonn Table Lamps, Dresden Banquet and Princess Lamps, All-nitrht Lamps.

Decorated Globes. They are a complete collection of Importer's Samples" that have come to us under pressure that lowers the price one-half. The comparisons are with prices of the duplicates as they have recently been sold in our own Stores. Royal Bonn Table Lamps 57 Lamp at S3.50 $18 Lamp at $9 ft 1 Lamp at 55.50 520 Lamp at 510 514 50 Lamp at 57.25 522 Lamp at 511 Dresden Banquet Lamps 54.50 Lamp at 52 25 511 Lamp at 55 50 56 Lamp at 53 512 Lamp at 56 59 Lamp at 54.50 $16 Lamp at 53 518 Lamp at 59 Decorated Rinquet Lamps complete, with Globe to match. 510 Lamp at 53 75 $12 Lamp at 54.50 Dresden Princess Lamps complete, with Globes.

52 Lamp at 51 54 Lamp at 52 53 Lamp at 51-50 55 Lamp at 52.50 Night Lamps 25c each; good alue at 50c Also a large assortment of Decorated Globes tor Banquet Lamps. $2 Globe at 51 54 Globe at 52 53 Globe at 51.50 55 Globe at 52.50 510 Globe at 55 Basem*nt. SEWI.NQ T'ie Wanannker Sewing MArHiNRc Machines have every up-MACH1NES todate irnprovemeik They are quiet, light lunning, have positive movements, and, withal, they are warranted to be all right and as represented. Who could give more They are sold as merchandise. You simply buy a Sewing Machine at its proper value.

The prices are 18, JS19, S20, JS22.50, J523.50, $24.50 and $35. You readily see that advertising expenses, agents' commissions, costly organizations, are not included in the price you pay. Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Books, and many other sorts of goods are witnesses to the successful battle waged against costly methods that taxed the consumer and made him pay roundly for the privilege of buying. That day has passed for Sewing Machines or at least for sensible buyers. The old system still exists in its decay and finds victims.

Xla.ement. WOMEN'S ne unusua' 's the usual SHOES our oe Store. Tradition, usage, custom, plays no part in its policy. But it has two regular features. First.

Onlv wnrthv Rhrwe. vin enter this stock. Second. Prices are constantly in a ferment of cheapness. It is the knowledge of these facts that brings the daily throng.

At 51.90. A splendid lot of women's high laced and buttoned Shoes; of tan and brown Goat and Kidskln. The price Is $3 elsewhere. Don't be skeptical. They're excellent.

You'll be surprised if you examine them. At 51.25- New lots of the Vlci Kidskln Oxford Shoes. Their value is also a surprise. The continued offering of these excellent Shoes at the price is agitating Shoe minds. The same minds tliat chare 52 and 52.50 for the same.

At 51-75 Very stylish, tan and ox-blood, Oxford Shoes; of willow Calfskin, with welted soles only 250 pairs. But they're worth 53.50, and being just the thing for summer and country wear, they'll go quickly. econd floor. Tenth COTTON ne season's wind-up for DRESS tne sell'n tnese fabrics 000DS approaches. Wearing-time not so limited.

In years such goods have not been priced so low may not again in many years to come. Two in some cases, three pretty Summer Dresses for the price or one. 12Jsc Polka-dot Uwns, 6c. in navy blue and bUck grounds with white ft frfet? tl WANAMAKERS dott, In three sixes. At this price tha lot should not last until sundown.

And a lot of other beautiful Cottons Just as attractive in price, 10c Corded Uwns, 4a iaac Printed Dimities, 5a 12a Printed striped Organdies, 5c, iaac Printed striped Canvas, 5a 1219c Printed lace stripe Lawns, 20c Printed Uwns, 6a 20c Printed Dimities, 7a 25c Printed striped Organdies, 8a 25c Printed striped Organdies, 10a 15c Printed lappet Uwns, 10a 25c Printed Irish Dimities, 10a 50c embroidered Swiss Uwns, 16a Three size dots In white on linen, the only color, but it's popular. Respond quickly. They are selling rapidly. 50 In. Storm Serge, 50a Best we ever sold at 50c; two shades of navy blue: the virnt ttuicTMi hirrl before weav ing to keep the material from wrinkling, also turns water.

Ordinarily 75a 65c Black Figured Mohairs, 3ia In small attractive designs, best quality. MEN'S A sma11 of Sty1" CLfiTHiNn ish suits, Cheviots, Cassi-wLUTiiina meres and Worsteds. Only sizes 36 to 44 bust. A chance for men that can be fitted to get clothing cheaply. Former prices gt5 to $8.50 to-day.

A lot of Trousers in Worsteds and Cheviots. New goods and latest cuts. Have been to now $3.50. Second floor, Mlnih street. wrtMFN't: Trimmed and untrimmed SAILOR and t0 PV f0r Cithe iiatY Stylish, short-back Sailor Hats, elegantly trimmed with silk mull, flowers and wings, at $3, J54 and $5.

Very recently they were double. Sennit Straw Sailor Hats, with Roman stripe ribbon bands, 35g value 65a Sailor Hats, in black and white, value 51-75-Sailor Hats, black and white, 1.25; were double. ftecond floor. Tenth street. linciPDV We buy directly from AND the inakers.

Manufac-iiMnpmvPaD turers' prices on this class UNDERWEAR of 0 arc steadily advancing. Not so here. At least not at present. The goods mentioned below would yield handsome profits if carried over for next season. But we don't carry goods for future advances.

Thus, four good economy chances. WOMEN'S STOCKINGS Of fast black cotton, fine gauge and assorted tan lisle thread. 25c per pair; alue 38c and 50c. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS Of ribbed cotton, fast black, with unDieacriea feet, double knees, spliced heels and toes. 3 pairs for 50c.

Worth 25c per pair. WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Of Swiss, ribbed lisle thread Vests, low-necks, short and no sleeves. In white, sizes 3 to 8. 3 for 51, or 38c each; from 50c and 63c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Freiith made fancy Shirts and Drawers, of fine cotton, fast color, blue and white checks, lue been 52 each all season.

51 the garment. DrOAdway. nnniTQ By such authors as Cooper, uuuha Eliot( Vemei Dickens and Conan Doyle. Cloth bound, t2mo. Publisher intended them to retail for 50c each.

They're here to-day at 20c, or 5 for 90:. Surely some in this list that you will want. Adam Bede, Oeorge Eliot Martin Chusslewlt. JEsop's Fable. Charles Dickens Ardath Maria Corelll Natural law In the Arctlo Exploratlous and hplrltual World.

Henry Discoveries Barnaby Rudge Old u.titielle. Secret, Ble.k House. Charles JJ" j. yealmon) Dltkens California an I Oregon PI doll. Undine and th Trail Parkman Twut'aptslns Charles Malley.

Charles iiikwick Papers Charles Lever DK kens Clerical Life Oeorge Fllot Pilgrim's Progresa. John Cloister and the Hearth Buuy.n Lharles Rale Pilot The. J. Fenlmore Cuuut of Mouto Crlsto Cooper Alexandre Dumis rionors, The. J.

Fenl Crauford Mrs. Oasklll more Cooper Crooked Path Mrs Alex- lWs Tales ander Prairie, The. J. Fenlmore Crown of lid Olives and Cooper SessmeandLUlles John lie 1 Rover. The J.

Fenl Ruskln more Cooper Daniel Deronda. Oeorgo Sartor Resart'if I Mot Starlet Lrttet. Nathaniel Deerslaver, The. J. Fenl Hawthorne more Cooper Scottish Chiefs.

Jane Por- Dombey and son. Charles ter Dickens Self Help Samuel Smile. DrtamLlfe. Ik Starvel Schonberg-Cotta Family. Duty.

Samuel Smiles Mrs Charles Egyptian I'rlnoesa. Oeorg shadow of aCiimo Tbers Silas Marner. Oeorge Fllot Fmerson's Essay. Sketch Book The. Wash- Feet of Love.

The. Annie Ington Irvine Reeve Aldrl'-h Spy. The. J. Fcnlmor.

Felix Holt Oeorge Eliot Cooper Firm of tiltdlcstone bpanl.h Oypsy. Oeorgvj Golden Deeds, Book of. bllot M. Yonge Swl.s Hnnillv Robinson Oreat Lxpeotatlons. unyson's Poems Charles Dickens heounras us Buch, Grimm's Household Sto- Oeorge Fllot rles Thrift Samuel Smile Hardy Norseman.

Edna Twenty Thousand League. Lyall I'nler tha Sea. H.rry Lorrequer. Charles Vt-rne Lever Two Admirals J. 7enl- Holy Living.

Jeremy Tay- more Cooper lor Uarda. Oeorg Fbers Hypatla. Charles King V. the History of. ley William Becktont John Halifax.

Miss Mu- View. Afoot. Bayard lock Tavlor Kenllwortn. Walter Seott Vendetta Marie Corelll Knight Errant. Edna Westward Hoi Chorlea Lyall Klngsley Lamplighter, The.

Maria Whlttler's Poems. Cummins WllhelmMelster. Appren- Last Days of Pompcll. ttce.hlp and Travels. Bulwer-Lytton Ooeihe (Carlyle) Lucllo.

Owen Meredith Wood's Natural History Mnth atreet. JOHN WANAMAKER Formerly A. T. Stewart Co. Broadway.

4th 9th and 10th sts. he BJwrf. BR EGHTON RACES TO-DAY AT 2:30 P. M. Reaohed by all routes to Coney Island.


OLD DR. 01UNDLE has been longer established and ha. had inure experience than any othtr advertising physician, oily pap.r. prov. this.

Undsr his solenllflu tlood and skin, pain. In bones, red spots, sore throat and mouth, ulcer, painful swellings, kidney and bladder complaints, Maiding Inflammation, gravel, undeveloped organs, weak back, lost vitality, are speedily, permanently oured. Men about to marry should consult OLD DR. ORINDLR. Every Impediment removed.

Suffer. rs, do not wast. tlm. visiting les. skilful physicians.

Remember. OLD DR. ORIHDLB never fall. OFFICE OVER IS YEARS at 171 West 18th st b-tween eth and Tth av. Advice free.

MedUlne tl. Hours, II to V. Bunday. to tt. No charge unless cured.

OLD UB. UIIEY, a year a apeclalUt In disease, or men only. Quickest permanent our. In all disease, or money refunded Blood poison, skin diseases, kidney or bladder trouble weakness, nervous debility, of youth, bad dream, wsak, undeveloped organs, Impediments to marriage, B.2,l'e- consult th. only old specl.llst In this oily, OIBo.

over 85 years at 120 Estl7tnst, near Union square. Hours, a tofii Sundays. to 8. Sclen-tUo tr.atm.nt and adrlo. free.

Median, only BOo. QWICUxaT rttUMAMKMT cuiin la diseases of tn.n: dangerous cost solid tedt relief at one: those deslrlnaonly flrst-olass sctontlru The leodlng specialist, Dr. Bonsahur, 11 Wt 18d st.i to 8. 7 to rBuaday, 10 to 1. A -DB- OOlfRAD-B BAHITAIUnM.

117 Weat 47th rfiltfiiliMtfiTfcf i. ORIENTAL RUQS. Oar surplus stock, the tints ot Trhlch nro not Buttoblo for our decorative or upholstery business, tro hnvo boon disposing ot to dealers who have retailed them st about double our prices. But the Into business depression has pro-rented them from taking the usual quantities, so to rid our rare-rooms of the accumulation, Trhlch occupies space tto need for fall stock, we now otter special bargains. "BUY OPTHerMAKER Ge'o.

C. Flint Co. 43. 45 and 47wtST2iST. NEAR BROADWAY.

Factory. 154 and 156 West 19th Street jgogt OHite JffoUl. pOST OFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as ohange may occur at any tlm. Foreign malls for th.

week ending Aug. 14, 1897. will cloaa (PROMPTLY In all case) at tho General FostOfflo a follows: TRANSATLANTIC MAILS. 7 A. M.

for OERUANY, DENMARK, SWEDEN, NORWAY and RUSSIA, rr steamship S.ale. via Bremen (letter for other part, of Europe, via Plymouth and Cherbourg, must b. directed "per S.ala"). WEDNESDAY, At 7 A. M.

(supplementary 0 A. for EUROPE, per steamship St. Louis, via Southampton: at 9 A. M. (supplementary iomO A.

for EUROPE, per steamship Oermanlo. vl aueenstowmatlP. M. forBELaiUM direct, per eamshlp Kensington, via Antwerp (letter must b. dlrotod "per 7 A M.

for FRANCE, BWITZER-lAND, ITALY, SPAIN. PORTUQAL, TURKEY, SUYPT and BRITISH INDIA, per steamship La Normandle, via Havre (lettora for other parte of Europe must be dlrtcted -per La at A.M. for NETHERLANDS direct, per Obdum, via Rotterdam (tetter, must be directed "per at 8 A. M. forUENOA, Rer steamship erra (letter, must be directed at 10 A.

M. for SCOTLAND direct, Kr steamship Anchorla. via ulasguw (tetters must directed per Anchorla at 1 1 A. M. for NORWAY direct, steamship llekla (letters must be directed "per at lit (supplementary 1 80 P.

tor EUROPE, per steamship Etrurla, vlaCjueenstown. PRINTED MATTER, Ao Oerman ateamen sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter, Ac. for Oer-xnany, and specially Addressed Printed Matter, Ao for other paru of Europe American and Whlto star steamer on Wednesdays, Herman steamers on Thursdays, aud Cunard, Frenoh, and Oerman steamer on Saturdavstako Printed Mnt tar, Ac, for all countries for which they are to carry mall After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantlo Malls named above, supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, LUbltih. Frotioh aud Uetmn steamers, and remain opt-n until within ten minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer MAILS 10H SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA, WEST INDIES Ac MONDAY At 13 M. for BtLIZE.

PUERTO CORTEZ and OU ATF MALA, per steamer from New Orleans. TUESDAY At 10 A (supplementary 11 A. tor CENTRAL AMERICA lucent Costa Rica anJ Nicaragua) and bOUTU PAC1F10 POUTS, per steatubhlp Alllan t. via Colon (letters for Ouate mala must be directed "per at 11 A. M.

for FKOURksO, per steamship Panama (letters for 4er parts of Mexico must be dl rectel "per at IJ P.M. for COSTA K1CA. per steamer from New Orleanst at P.M. for JAM 1CA, Lr steamer rum no.ton WEDNEaPAY. At 11 A M.

for NEW OUNDLAV p.r steamship Portia; at 1 P. for CUB per steamship la Havana, at IP lor SANTIAilO Dl: CLBA, per steamship Clenfuegoi net: rs must be uirr ted per uienrueir at 11 (s ipplementary 1 3U P. JI for NAbSAU, N.P.per steamship AntuMa (lulters mu.l be directed "per AntllU') THURSDAY At Bo A for TORT ANTOMO. per sleumer from Philadelphia; at 1 P.

laupple-mentary liSO M) for BFRMUDA, persteam ship Madloua: at 1 (supplementary 1 '10 for NASSAU, and SAM1AUO DE CUB K. per steunuhlp Snnttatfo FRIDAY -At a P. M. for rORTO RICO, direct, per steamship Arka Ha. SATURDAY At 10 A.

M. (supplementary 10 80 A. M) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAM MCA. and SAANILLA, per steam.hlp Alcne (letters rcr Costa RU a must be dlrectr.l at 10 A.

(supplementary 10 30 A. tor HAITI via Port au Pnnce, Petit Ooave. aua Jeremle. also CARTHAUEM aud SANTA MARTHA, per steam chip Alps; at 10 30 A for COII'KCIIK. CHIAPAS.

TABASLO. aud YUCATAN, per steam-shlu Seguranca (letters for other parts of Mexico and forCuLa must be directed at 1 1 A (supplementary 1 1 JO A 1 fur ENEZUILV uul CURACAO, also SUANILLA aud VRTUAULNA, via Curacao, jH.r stcaiuahlp Venezuela SUNDAY At 7 A. M. for NORTH BRAZIL, per steamship Llsbonense. via Para, Maranhoiu and Ceara.

Malls for Newfoundland, by roll to Halifax, and thence by steamer, tio.e at this ofllre dally at S3HP Halls forMlquelim by rail to Boston and them by steamer, close at this office dally at 8 SO St Malls for Cuba clo.e at this oftVo dally at 7.00 A. for forv. artllug by steamers sailing (Mondays and Thursdays) from Pott Tampn 1 la Malls for MexliX) City, over and. unless spt-UaUy adilresstd for despatch by steamer, iIohu at this oflKe dally at 1u A and 8 10 I Registered mall clones at a 00 previous da. TRASS-PACIFIC MAILS Molls for China aud Japau steamship Belglo (from Man FraUi.Ii-co) vlose here dally up to 8 at ll 30 Mull" for Chlnn and Japan, per steamship Olympic ifro ruciitna close hero dally up to Aug 13 ut 0 UO Mulls for Australia texcept those for i Australia which are forwarded via Furope Sen Zeaatul, Huwall, FIJI and Samoau Islands, per sleamshlp Ala lucda (from San FratKl.

oj, clo.o here dally up to Aug 114 at 7 30 A. 11 A 31, ami 0 uo p. M. (or on arrhal at New York of steamship Campania with Brltlili malls for Australia). Mall for China and Japan (specially addresod only: per steamship Empress uf Japau frout amouvir).

hero daily up to Au 110 at 4 30 M. Malls for the So lety lilauds, per ship Oalllce (from San rraucl.coj, close here dally up to Aug Hi at P. M. Malls for Hawaii, per steamship Australia (trom San Francisco), close here dally up to Sept. 1 at 6 80 P.

Mall, for Australia (client est Australia), nawall, and MJ1 Islands, per steamship Aornngl (from Vancouver), close here dally after Aug I and up to Sept. 1 at 0 Hi) P. M. Trans Pacino mails arc forwarded to port of dally, and the schedule of closing Is arranged on th. presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit.

LReglstered mall close, at 6 previous d.y. CORNFLIUS VAN 1 OTT. Postmaster. Post Offlo. New York.

N. Aug 0, 1 HD7. Ortitn AMERICAN LIIME HEW lORk SOUTHAMPTON (Loudiiu-PorlS). Soiling every Wednes lay at 10 A M. ST.

LOUIS Aug. 11 I hT. LOUIS Sept 1 PARIS Aug. IS PARI tent ST. PAUL.

Aui SB ST. PAUL Seut 13 EED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP Sailing every Wednesday, Kensington Aug 1 1 a P.M. I Houthwark Aug SB M. Westemlaud Aug lH.noon I Noordland Sept. 1, noon LNTEHNA1IONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY, Piers It und IB, North River, Ofllce.O Bo ting Oreen.

CWNARDUNETOUVERPOOL.VIAQUEENSTOWN. I From Iter it), N. fool ot Clarkson st. Etrurla Aug 14, P. M.iUmbrla Aug.

lis. 8 P. M. Campania. Aug.

8 1. 1 1 JLuranla bept. 4, 1 1 A M. KXTItA NllLINdN. Bervla.

Aug 24, noon I Auranla Bept, 7, noon VERNON II IIUOWNACO HAMBDRG-AMERICAW LINE. TWIN SCREW EXPRESS from New York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg, Porta, and Hamburg. P.Blimarck.Au.1", 10 A M. A Victoria, Bept U.UA.M. Normannla.Au.

80, 10 A M. Blsmarrk Bep.lB.10A Columbia. Sept 9 A.M. NormannlaBrp J.IOA M. HAUBURU SERVICE, by Twin Hcrew Mall H.

Folntlo. Aug 81, 11:30 A.M I Prussia 8e, 7 A M. JTlrit S7B up: teoond class, Ito.iteerage, I JO, Ilanbura-- tuierlcan t-lue. ST Uroadway, MAINE: RTiEAisioi CO. UIIUUIIT'I'I, IK Kl Tltll'S.

Only direct Una for Cottage City, Mas an I Portland, Me, Steamer, sail every week (lay. ex.ept Wednesday, from Pier No. 118, E. It at 6 P. M.

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday strainer, stop at Cottage City en route: th. new JOHN 1 NOLl- ilia Monday and Fridays for Portland direct. CounecUon made for Bur Harbor, Old Orchard, Poland Sprlug, White Mountains, St, John, N. and all Eastern summer resort. Hteamirs lilted with every modern ltn for comfort and convenience of tourists he most route for all points Last, necessitating no cbungrs Tickets may bo purchased at Maine 8,8 Company's ofllce, No.

87 Broadway, at the office No 888 South st opposlto the Pier, and The Cook A Bon. 801 and Broadway, NORTH OERMAN LLOYD STFAMSIIIP CO SHORT ROUTE TO I.OSDOS AM) CONTINENT. FAhT EXPRESS STEAMFRS. Roale.Tu.AuglO, 10 A M. I Labn.Tu 84,10 AM.

10 AM Havel.Tu.Aug SI. 10 A M. OELRICHS A CO Bowling OLD DOMINION LINE. DAILY TO Shortest Sea Trip. Out ten lorU, Delightful tours to Old Point Comfort, Norfolk, Newport News, Petersburg, Portsmouth, Pinners Point, Richmond, Virginia Beaob, Va and O.

Freight and Passenger steamers sail from rlerse. North River, every week day except Saturday, at a P. and Saturday at W. L. OUILLAUDEU, Vlce-Pres't and TramoJHgr.

WHITE STAR LINE. O.rmanlc.Aug 11, noon I Brlt.nnlo,, Aug i', noon T.utonlo Aug 1H. noon M.jestlu Sept 1, noon NO COTTON CARRIED BY PASHBNOKIt STEAMFRS. Pier North River, Office Broadway, New York, 11. MA1TLAND KERSLY, Agent.

trnmlioatis. Far. to all resorts north and cast lower than any other CITY OF TUOY or SARATOGA leave foot West 10th st. dally, Saturday, 0 p. H.

Express train for Saratoga, Lake Oeorge, Adirondack. Jto, Bttna itesjntr touchti at Alban, aaltiamiai i -M NORWIcinJNIE FoNw London. Watoh HIU. Dlook Wd, Wortwr and North of ltonand East. Steamer or City of WoroeOjr leave.

Pier 40 (Old No.) N. next DMbroas. week days only at 0 P. M. Orchestra on eaoh.

Jatea to BLOCK ISLAND rcduotd. Connection mad Weak; Day and Sunday. FALL RIVER LINE For Newport. Fall ntv.r. Doston.

Martha' TJnTri Nantucket, Cap. Cod, and all Eastern and Northern Mountain, Inland, and Seashore Steamer Priscllla and lurilan In commission Fin. orohetra on each. Leave Pier 18, N. foot ot Murray week day and Sundays, at 0:30 P.

M. PROVIDENCE LINE Tor Providence direct, Boston and all Inland and Saoshora Resorts East and North thereof. Steamer Shode Island and Plymouth. Orchestra. on each.

Pier 38, N. one block above Canal week day only, at 80 P. M. STONINGTON LINE For Btonlngton. Norragantett Pier, Watch Hill, Bolton, and all point East.

Steamer Main, and New Hampshire. lv Pier 89, N. on. block above Canal week days only, at 8 P. It, IIUI0 It I Kit Bl BltllllllT, PALACE IRON DAY LINE 8TEAMKR8 Vmv aOIIK and Finest aud fastest rlv.r t.nir In tho world.

Dally except Sunday. Leave Brooklyn, rulton Bt. (by Annex). A. M.

New York. Deabrosaos Bt Pier. 8:10 West 88d St. Pier 0 For Aa.nAT. landing at Yonkers, West Point, New-burg, Poughkeepsle, Kingston Point, CaUklll, and Hudson.

Dlreot connictlon on th Kingston rolnt dock with V. and D. trains for Cat. kill Mountain point sad for Lake Mohonk and Mlnnewaska. At CaUklll with the CaUklll Mountain and Otis El.

Railway for Cairo and mountain resorts. Railroad connections at Newborn, Poughkreptle, Hudson, and Albany for polnu North, East, and Writ, Special Saratoga trains Through tl. keU sold at Desbrotse st. pier. Welt Sid st.

pier. New York Transfer, and other principal ticket oflloes. LONG ISLAND AND BLOGKISLAND. ror Orient, steamer Shlunecook and Montauk Shelter Island, leave New York dally (except Sun- Ureennort days) at 3 P. Saturday at 1 Koutn.ia, saturday'aboatiloeanot goto Block Sag Harbor, and Tuesdsy Thursday', and and Saturday' boat doe not go to Dlock I.lawd.

Southold. Albany EveningLine. Steamer ADIRONDACK and DEAN RICHMOND leave Old Pier 41, N. foot Canal at at P. M.

dally (Sunday, excepted), connecting with trains for Bsratnga. Lake Oeorsje, Adirondack. Sharon Springs, Rlibfleld Spring. Thousand Islands, Niagara Falls, and the Wast. Saturday nlxut steamer connects with Bunday morning train for Saratoga, North Creek, Caldwell, and steamer on Lake Oeorge.

HARTFORD LINE from Pier til. Last River, dally except Sunday at 5 P. for Connecticut River lauding, connecting for Springfield. Worcester, Boston, and all New England polnu. Saturday excursions at reduced rate.

IIUIINOV llll Kit STEAM KIT HA11Y rOTOKIX. Dally (except Sundays), leaving st. 8 18 P. (-turdajsl-4')P M). West 82d st 8 30 P.M.


and K1NOSTON. EAMSDELL LINE. Steamer leave Pier 34. N. foot ranklln st.

for Cranston's, Welt Point. Cold Cornwall, Flsbklll landing, and Newbnrg week day (except Saturday) P. P.M Sunday A. MjdUig at 13Jd NJtt 30 A. M.

CATSH.II.L KIBMNU 1.1 K. Btamer KAATERSCILL and CATSKILL leave every week day at 0 P.M from foot of Christopher st conntcttng at CaUklll with mountain train. Btatenmin lighted by electricity. Bicycle carried free Hones an 1 carrlsges taken. Send to pier or to Catsklll for descriptive folder.

111010 AMI LOXHAI KIE nn.Tf). From toot of Christopher st eery week day at 6 P. connecting with iA R. II at Hudson XINOSTONIINE. WestlOthst.

Dally 4 Saturdays at 1. Steamer. BALDWIN and ROMER for Cornwall, Newburg, New Hamburg, Marlboro, Milton, Puugbkeeptle. Hyde Park, Esopus, Klngf ton, connecting with A D. It 11 for all points In CM-kllli TlW tl 0 Bundavs, Lxcurslon, 81 00 Fast steamers leave Pier 81, R.week days, 8 P.

M. and 18 midnight: Sundays, 0 SO A M. aud 12 midnight: week daj steamers connect on nhsrrwlth trains for Mcrlden. Hartford, Springfield, and points north gtnUroads. Lehigh Valley System.

buttons foot ot West 2.1d bt. (Penn R. Cortlondt or DesbrcMSei St. Indicate time from West 83d ht Other figure show time from Cortlumtt or PesbrosscB Uila, Olio A dally Sunday 0 15,7 A.M) for MAUCH and Interim dute stations TtSB, H15 A dally for VULKESBARRE, SCRANTON (week dav) KLM1RA (week da)a), ITHACA. OESlVA.RO(.HEJTlt.

BUFFALO, NIAO-ARAFMLS audtb et and orluclpal local polnu, ctlulng an 1 chair ar tolluffalo. Mnso a Jl only, for UND BROOK and Intermedial Motions li.a. loiso A. dally, except Sunday, for MaUCH CHLMCandluf-rmedlole points II ia.t, l.iOO noon dolly, except Sunday "ULAl'H. UIAMONI) KXL'ItUSS." Arrhes Bunalo SB P.M Pullmou Vestibule Day Coaches and Parlor Cam Dining Car bervlce Meals a la carte Conuei te at Buffalo with through sleeper to Detroit nud Chicago tuiiop dolly, except Sunday, for MAUCH CHISK oud Intermediate points mi 1 Sundas onb.

for ASTON, MAUCH till SK, and the coal branches I i.s, lilO 1' dally, except Sunday, for PITT-TON, hCKASTON. and prln clpal Intermediate etotlons Connect for all polnU In coal rCKlons, choir car for llkesborre. -tilt) dally, excttt Sundoy, for 1LKE--I1ARHE. lTTTbTON. iCRANTOV, oud principal luterme Bote stations ConnecU for all points In cool nitons Pullman Buffet Parlor Car tor Ilk sbarre Mi.13, ail.1 p.

dally for EASTON and Intermediate station 5tS3, Utio P.M. dally, except Sunday. Express for SLATIM.TON and principal Intermediate statlous ConnecU for Reading and Harrlsburg Chair car to Slatlugton. UiOS. TiOOP sr dally ror BUFFALO.

NIAOAR A FALLS, nd all polnu st. Pullman slc-ier vrstl bule train Y. to Chicago. Sleepers to Buffalo and Toronto Ti33, HiBOP. 31 dolly, except Sunday, stopping only SOUTH PLAINF1ELD, EASTON.

BETHLEHEM. MAUCH CIIUSK, LAB JUNCTION, SAYKE, IJENhVA, ROCHESTLK, BATAVIA. and BUFFALO. Pullman sleeper for Buffalo. None but sleeping car pasinten cirrltd No baggage carried.

Hift. IHDO P. dally for ITHACA. OESEVA, ItOelll-STrR, IlUrFALO, NUUARA FALLS, and oil f'Oluu West. Pullman sleepers to WUkcsbarre and thsca.

Additional loaal train dally, except Snndoy, for BOUND BROOK and Intermediate points leave as follows: BB tl 00 A. l.BB, 8.30, 3 SB, 4 80, and BS. 0 30 M. Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 118,881, 87H, SBB, U44, and 18 13 Broadway.Ul i. 14th St.

1B0 18Bth st 187 Bowery, Y. SSO Fulton st 4 08 way, and Brocklyn Annex, Brooklyn. N. Y. Transfer Co will call for and check baggage frntn Imtol ne rn.ldetie.1 throtieh to destination.

ERIE RAILROAD. Through train leave Niw York, foot of Chamber a follows, and five mluutea earlier from West 8Bdst 9 A. M. Vestibule Express dally for Bingham-AJJ ton, Waverly. Flmlra, Buffalo.

Bradford, ar-rlria BulIoloB OOP pari ir or to Buff olo 9.1 vl. Vestlbuled Expressdally.exceptSun- It) doy, for Port Jervls Montlcollo, Locoowoxen, llouesdalc, oud linportuut lo ol paint, to Cirnlug Dolly to Port Jervls Pullman Parlor Cars for Mon-tlct Ho and Corning 2Mfi Ml, Ve.tlliulo limited Fost mall dally, iUU boll 1 tralu ft Cblcao, via Chautauinia Lake, orrhr. Cleelant at 740 A. Chicago M. Sleepers to Chicago, Cleveloud, and Cluciuuatl.

Dining ar, 7nn ll, Buffalo aud Cleveland VesUbule prist dally, arrhrs at Buffalo 7 01 A. Ilr-Jfuril 17 A. 7 00 A JI (Mrrpers to Buffnlo and Cleveland), moklng direct ocnntction for Detroit, Chlcogo, and tho West Cafe Lllir-r) Car 8 ft vl, HAILi Chnutouqua lake and NtUKira tolls bolld trulu to I hit ago, Sleepers to Hurnelltllle, Chicago, and Cincinnati. Dlulng fl'lCKETS LOCAL TIME CARDS, AS'I) PULLMAN ACCOM MODATIONhul 11 1, 1 1.1, 801, 401, anil 017 Uruadwut U7 Bowrry, 1 Loat 185th st oitd HI Unt at, Chainliers anil West 8Sd st tirrl.s, York, 1)11 mil Fulton at 100 Broadwny, BrookUu: SOU Hudsou st, and Jerrey city sutlou. Westcott's sprens calls for und hei ks baggage from hot.

Is and re. Idem rs tudtstluat on, New YwiTiirBosloii All Rail. II. A- II It und connections. From urand Central Station.

Leave By wu of Due. 0 01 nud Worcester, 11 10 I0 0OA M.viNrw I uuduuand Provldmce.S 00 M. 10 03 A. JU New Lmdou oud Proldence, 4,30 1' 18U0M, Si rlngllel I oud Worcester, 40 M. 1 1 00 Air I Ino and It 00 M.

1 P. New Londui: and Prnvl ience, 7 00 M. 8 00 P. 'New I omlou and Providence, 00 M. 4 00 P.

ild aud Uonc.ter, 10 00 P. B.oo p. 'New London and Providence, 1 1 ,00 11:00 Sprlnnneid and Worcester, ll 1.1 11 18(101' and Providence, OBA.M, Runs dolly, luoluillng Suu tlBaybtutn limited, oil parlor cars; fare 87, Including parlor car seat JAIr Line I United, urrhraat and departs from Psrk Square hiHtlon Boston. Return service same hour aud by same route Through parlor and sleeping cars by each train HFMPSTEAI). Pen Pass.

Anent. BALTIMORE OHIO. leovuNew urk. Whitehall Tirmlual, dully, CHICAGO, 1 S5I' 31 and 18.10 night. PITlMil'ItU 'I Bex Sundo) lilflhun 18:10 night.

CINCINNATI. ST I OfIS ll IB A 4 SB M. WASHINGTON. BAIT1MORE. 7 SB, USB (Dining Cor), 11 8S A 51 (Dlnlug Car), .1 81 (Dining Cor), (Bluing Car), 6 10 night Sun day, fl BB(l)lnlugCar) 11 JBA (Bluing Car).

1 IS (Dlnlug Car), 1.33 (Dlnlug Car), fi S3 P. 18 10 night MJHK1I 11:25 M. da'ly NEW ORLFANB (through aleeer), 4 BB dally. Trains li ot foot Liberty st mlnuti lot. r.

All train ore llluuiluatei! with Plntscli light. Officesi 118. 174,801. 434, 1140 Broadway, 31 East 14th st. 187 Bowery, New York: 889,844 Fulton Brooklyni Whitehall Terminal, Baggo.

chocked froia hottl oi teiUaaoe to dwusaUea, li-'V-i ISfRWYORK (eitral HUDSON RIVER R. (L i THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LINE. DinttCT LIHI TO NIAO ABA FALIA. IK All through train stop at Albany, Utlco, Syroctuo, IB Rochester, and Buffalo. I i Train leave Grand Central Station, 42d Street and IK; Fourth avenue, a.

follows: BBT A. MOUNTAINS, THOU- IR SAND ISLANDS, AND MONTREAL SPECIAL. Dally, except Sundoy For Adirondack Mountolus, Thousand Islands, and Montreal. A. M.

Dally except Sundar. The anion EMPIRE STATE EXPllFB, LIMITED. Kail. est train In the world. Due Buffalo ot 4:45 JI Niagara Falls BB P.

Toronto 8:83 P. M. Till, tralu It limited to Its seating capacity. 9.Q ft A. M.

FAST MAII, Dolly For Poughkeepsln. Albaur, Utlco, Syracuse, Rochester, Bunalo, Nlatora Folio, and Cleveland O.lA A. AND JIONTRKAI, Sri- C1A1. uouy, except uunaay ror iai.sui Mountain. Troy, Saratoga.

Lake George, Omn Mountains, anclMontrrol 1 A. SHORE LIMITED. Dolly-XUJUU 84 hour train to Chicago via Sllchlgon Central route. Due Buffalo 8 40 P. Niagara 1 alia 9 80 P.

Chicago 9 00 A. M. Carrie sleeping and drawing-room oars only. Qfs A. M-DAY EXPRESS except Sunday JLUIOU For Mlllbrook, CaUklll Mountains, and all Important New York State points 1 nrtP.M-80UTHWrSTERN LIMITFD.

Dolly-XlULr For Columbus, Cincinnati, ludlonapolls, aud Kt Louis. Stop, at Pooghkrepsle. I.nfs P. ClIICAOO SPFCIAL. Dolly For iJJ irolt.

Cleveloud. Toledo, and Chicago, btopa ot l'oughkeerl and SchenectodT. 3Qf P. M. TROY AND 8ARATOOA SPECIAL, ept Sunday For Garrison's (West Point).

Poughkeepsle, Albany, and Trpy. 5.l"lfs P- SlIOllE LIMITED. hour train to Chicago, via I ake Shore route. Due Cleveland 7:10. Toledo 10.03 A.

Chicago 4:00 P.M. This train conntcU at Cleveland for Cincinnati, due 4 SB P. and at Toledo for St. Louis, due P. 11 due Kansas City next morning.

Carrie sleeping and drawing room car sr.lriiVP. M. WESTERN EXPRESS, Dotly-ForNI-OtUU agora Foil. Cleveland, foledo, Detroit, Chi-cngn. Cincinnati, and St.

Louis. 6 0S P. -ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS SANDISLANDS.ANDMONTREALEXPRLSR, Dolly For Adirondack Mountain, Thousand ana Montreal 7.nfs P- -NORTHERN EXPRESS, Dally-For IUU Troy, Platuburg. Burlington, Montreal, and. except Saturday night.

Ottawa. 7.QfP- -BUFFALO SPECIAL, Dolly For lOJ Roohester, Buffalo, Niagara Fatli. Toronto, Cleveland, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and Chicago 9.flfl P- SPECIAL LUIITED MAIL, Dally (sleeping car passenger only) For points on. Fall Brook Railway, via Lyon, and for Rochester, Buffalo, Cleveland, Indianapolis, and Bt, Lout.

9.1 P. PACIFIC EXPRESS, DaUy For Syr- lO ouse, Oswego, Watertown. Ogdensbnrg, Bufs falo, Niagara Fall. Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago, and. exceptaturdaj.

for Cape Vincent and th Aubrru road. 1 O.l NIOHT MTDNiaiTT EXPRESS. Theatre J. train for Chicago and principal polnu on the New York Central every night except Sundo night. Bunday nlghu, Chicago sleeper leave oa 9:10 train.

OtOOA. and BiOS P. II. Dally, except Sunday, to PltUfleld, via Harlem Division. Otis Sunday only, to PltUfleld and th Berk, hire Hills, via the Harlem Division.

"ALL NIOHT" TRAINS TO YONKERS "All night" train ran between 188th (. and points on the Putnam Division a for ao Yonkers. In connection with the elevated road. The only Una running all night train out of N.w York. Wagner Palace Car on all through trains.

Trains Illuminated with Plntach light. TlckeU ond Wagner offices at Qrand Central Station, 118. 881, 418 Broadway, 81 East 14th st 948 Brood-way, SUB Columbus 01 West 123th st and 13hth stat on. New York; 838 and 788 Fulton St. and 108 Broadway, E.

Brooklyn. Baggage checked from hotel or ruldence by tha Westcott Fxpreas Company JOHN Jt. TOCCLY, OEOROE IT. DANIELS. General Manager.

General Passenger Agent. Pennsylvania --X Xa X- X3. STATIONS foot of West Twenty third street and De broeses and Cortlondt atreeu taTTbe leaving time from Drsbroas and Cortland streets Is five minute, later than that below for Twenty third btrc Station. TiBft 4. i.

FAST MAIL Pullman Buffet Parlor Car New York to Pittsburg bleeplngCaxPltuburf 9 to Chicago No coaches to Pittsburg. a r)m. t. vi, FAST LINE Pltuburu ond Cleveland. OlBS t.

M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED Pullman. Compartment Sleeping Dining, Smoking, and Ob- oeriatlcn Cars For Chicago, Cleveland, Toledo. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville, St I ouls l.OSl". vl.

CH1CAI.O AND ST. I OUIS EM'HESS- I For Nashville (via Cincinnati). Clilcovo, St Louis. OiSS EhTERV EXPKhSs For Cleveland, Chicago For Toledo, except Sotunlai i0 P. M.

SOUTHULSTFHN For Cincinnati, Indianapolis st Louis 1, 81. PACIFIC EXPRESS For Pituburg and Chicago ConnecU for Cleveland and Toledo except Saturday. MASllIIGTO AVO Till-. MOtTII. 83.9 23.

9 BB (Dining Car), 10 S3 A JI .12:30, 135 (3 iB "ConKresslontkl Llm all Parlor and Dining Cars). 4-21 (Dlnlug Car). 4:35 (Dining Cor). 8 35P.3I 12-10 nlgnt Sunday, ll J5. 10 B3 A (8:13 "Congressional Llm," all Parlor and.

1 Dining Cars), 4 23 (Dlnlug Cor), 4 33 (Dining Car), BlSSP 12 10 night. I BOUTHEHN 4:23 P.M, 12.10 night dally i ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Express, 0.25 A. and 3SP dally. CHESAPLAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY 4 53 P.

6 dally lOR OLD POINT COMFORT and NORFOLK 7 Bft fc A weekday, and P.M. dally ATLANTIC cil est Twenty-third Street Station, 125 P. aud Drabrosse and Cortlondt btreeU. i 1 30 P. week CAPE MAI WestTwenty-thlrdStreetStatlon 12 SS i i through Parlor Cor) and 1-J3 P.

week days. lesLrcMses and Cortlondt btreet. 1,00 and 1.S0 wcekdo) Loug Branch, Asbury Park (Interlokrn Sundays), -j Ocean drove, and Point Pleasant (from West Twenty third street Station), 7.2S. b-3S. 38, 1 1 35 A M.

(li aSSotuntotaonly) I 38, 2.38, 8-13, 8 35, 4 51, 6 65 P. Sundays. 7 55, 9.25 A. ,4. ISP 31.

(from, Des) rosaes and cortlondt Streets). 8:30. 7.40, 9:10. I 10 00 A M. 18.10(1 20 Saturdays ly), 2 30, .1.10, 8 40, 4 20, fiiio, 7.00 P.

M. Sunday. 8.13, U.43 A. It M.B.IBP.M. If ron (1 8 IB.

7-28, 7 B3, 8 25. 8 BB. 25 (9 BB Penna. Llm- I Ited). I) BB (Dining Car), KI-S5, 11:58 A.

12 55, I 1:35, 2 53. 8 BB, 4:28, 1-23 (Dlulng Car), 4 5S(Dlo I Ing Cor), 6 B3 (Dining Cor), 7:40, 7:33, 8 83 M. 12 10 night Sundays. 8 13. 7.63.

8 2B. H.33, 23, 9 Bl (Limited), 9 33, 10 BB A. 1:53 Cor). 8 15, 23 (Dining Car), 4 S3 (Dining Car), 3 si (Dlulng Car), 7.40, 7.BB, 8:55 P.M. 12 10 night Ticket offlies No.

401,944,1190. 1828, 111, on 1 211 1 Broadway! 1 Astor House: West Twenty third btreet stotloni and station foot of Desbrosiws and Cortlondt btreets: 4 Court Street, 800 1 ulton Mreet, 98 Broadway, and Brooklyn Annex Station, Ilrooklyn: Station, Jersey City. The New York Transfer Company will coll for and check baggaxe from hotels and residence through to destination J. HUTCHINSON. J.

R. OOD. General Manager. Qcneral Pasa Agent. IIBLAWAnB, LACK AW 4 A ItatSTKR'.

n. u. Station tn New lark, root or Barclay and brlatopber IKSTlnlXB TUAIS8. PVU.H.11 BL'llrirr UAIIS, riKTHlIl LIC1IT. Direct rouU to Newark, Bloomfleld, Montclalr th Oranges, Summit, llernordsville, Busking HI 1m 1 Ison, Morrlstown, Paosolc, Potemon, lujouton Doier Btouhupe, Newton, Budd a Lake, Lake Hotiah.ou, Hacketutown, SUiooley' Mountain, Woahingtou, Phllllpsburg.

Eooton, WaterOop.StroudsburK.l mono Mountain, beroutou. plttaton, Wllki sbarre Nautl-ooke. DanvlUe, Northumberland, Moutnse, Bl ahom-ton. Oxford, Norwich, Wotervllle, Utli o. Htc neld Spring.

Portland, Syracuse, Oswego, Itha Elmlra, Corning, Both. Dansvllle, Buffalo, and all point West, Northwest, oud southwest. too A. W. Blnghamton Moll stops at principal Station.

10:00 A. M. Cafe cor) Buffalo, Bcranton, Blnghamton, On ego, ltbaia, linlra, Syracuse, and Oswego Kxpresa. Pullman buffi parlor cars. Connecting at BjOoIo with trains for Chicago and polnu West, pullmou parlor tar New ork to ltlohfleld bprlUkS Iioo p.

tl. rauton, Blnghamton, and Flmlra Ex- preos Pullmau buffet parlor oars. 4KIOI', M. wilkesborn, and Plymouth Fxpress. l'ulluiou buffet parlor car.

lo I-. M. (Dally) CI Icago Veatlbulo Limited Fx- Preas for Scr luton, Blnghamton, 1 liulra, Buffalo, ullinan buffet sleeping car, New York to Chicago. Dining ear west of Bunalo ftino I', tl. iDiillw Buffalo Express Pullman sinners fur t-crauton, Blnghamton, 1 1 mini Hutu, 31 1.

Murrls, aud Bull olo, arm lug Biiffulo A M. Oiau l. tl, (Dally) Buffalo, h. ronton, lilnuham- tou, Owego, lthacu, Llnilra, hracuae uulOlwigo Ft pre a Pullman buffet sleepers Sleepers New ork to Richfield Sprlugs Tickets an I Pullman accommodations at Henry Oaro A bona', Ltd, 111 llrouilway, 14 Park lace, and 420 Broadway ami 942 Broadway, llcaei. at Ferry stations.

111 4th av eor, 12lh st ill 18.1th at 2.13 Columbus a IS and 72 1 ulton st und 100 Broadn ay, Brooklyn. Tliuo ubli gltlutr full Information at all statlous Wistcott's Ex press any will i all forandche haggaiie fnim hotel or rt'ildi noo to ilesttliallon HEW YORK, ONTARIO WESTERN R'Y. Trains le.i.e foul ot West 42d St. as follows (10 mluutt a eorller from Franklin it Ti33 A. tl fur Montana, Orr Mills, Me bonk ond Mlnnowotko, lilnoml: ursli, Flic nt llli.

Fallsburh llurlryvllle, Like Klon -ra. Liberty, Scrantou Walton, llollil, blduiy, Norwl Utlco, Oneida. Fulton, Oswego IC15 i. for CompWll Hall, Ml 1 11 wn, Bloomluburgh, Wurtsboro Ellenvllie, Mountain I eutrrMllr, l-allaburah. Lake Klumesha, Hurli) i Liberty i'alls., White Lako 1H3 I' (hatunloys oul), for 1.1 1 1 1 BloomlngburKli, Wurtstmro, Mouuih Crnlreililr, rallsburgh, Lako Klamislia lliirlmii Ferndole, Liberty, White Lake, Porksvllle, 1 1 Manor. Roeklanu. Uiin for Campbell nail, Lakes nm i oro, LlUnvllle, Motiutalndle, Cciitri nil -burgh 1 oku Klauie.ha, llurleyvllle, Fi rn lull irty. Wblto Lake, Parksvllte, UvIokIou M.j Itockl anl li-io P. for Montana.

Orr's Mills M. I Brook llurnillc, ampU'll Hall, stony lord i (, Run, Mlildletown, Wlutertou, Bloouilugburali boro l-lUuvllle Hi 1.1 P. tl, (Franklin st 5i.1 tl i i for Campbell Hall Mlildlftowu lib rty, 1 mi 'i Mouor, Waltou, bldmy, UuinUllnilli Hum, Oneida, Fulton. Oswigo, Mugara I illi aid 1-olut. West i Pullmon Sleeping Cor, Kicllnlug Choir free through tn culcej-u without trausl.fl arrives Chicago U0 P.

31 TlckeU and Pullman seats at 871 Broadway, J. C. ANUUUJON, U. P. 30 Beaver II N.

i 4.

The Sun from New York, New York (2024)


Is the New York Sun still in business? ›

In 2008, after ending its print run, Mr. Lipsky set about rooting the Sun online. In 2021, the Sun was acquired by The New York Sun Company, LLC, led by current publisher Dovid Efune.

What is the conservative newspaper in New York? ›

The New York Post (NY Post) is an American conservative daily tabloid newspaper published in New York City.

What is the significance of the New York Sun? ›

The Sun was the first successful penny daily newspaper in the United States, and was for a time, the most successful newspaper in America.

How old is the New York Sun? ›

The New York Sun debuted on September 3, 1833, becoming the first successful penny daily, popular with the city's less affluent, working classes.

Is the NY Sun liberal or conservative? ›

The New York Sun is an American conservative news website and former newspaper based in Manhattan, New York.

Who owns the sun now? ›

The Sun is a British tabloid newspaper, published by the News Group Newspapers division of News UK, itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Lachlan Murdoch's News Corp.

Is New York Daily News liberal or conservative? ›

From the 1940s through the 1960s, the Daily News espoused conservative populism. By the mid-1970s however, it began shifting its stance, and during the 1990s, it gained a reputation as a moderately liberal alternative to the right-wing Post (which until 1980 had been a Democratic bastion).

What is the Sun newspaper known for? ›

The Sun—long the United Kingdom's biggest-selling newspaper, whose popularity since it was bought by Rupert Murdoch's News International company in 1969 has stemmed from a diet of sensational personality-based news stories, show-business gossip, lively sports reporting, and pictures of scantily dressed young women— ...

What is the largest newspaper circulation in New York City? ›

Largest newspapers by circulation

The Wall Street Journal (2,834,000 daily) The New York Times (571,500 daily; 1,087,500 Sunday)

Who is considered the first US press baron? ›

The penny press era also featured James Gordon Bennett's New York Morning Herald, founded in 1835. Bennett, considered the first U.S. press baron, freed his newspaper from political influence.

What is the motto of the Sun newspaper? ›

About us. The Sun was launched in 1969 with the slogan “forward with the people,” because that is what we believe in. The Sun cares about quality of life, the kind of world we live in, and about people. The Sun is more than a newspaper.

How do I cancel my subscription to the New York Sun newspaper? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-866-780-0786.

Does the Sun newspaper still exist? ›

The Sun, The Irish Sun and The Scottish Sun are owned by News Group Newspapers Limited (registered number 679215), being a wholly-owned subsidiary of News Corp UK & Ireland Limited (registered number 81701) whose registered offices are located at 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF.

How old is Brooklyn city? ›

The settlement began in the 17th century as the small Dutch-founded town of "Breuckelen" on the East River shore of Long Island, grew to be a sizeable city in the 19th century and was consolidated in 1898 with New York City (then confined to Manhattan and the Bronx), the remaining rural areas of Kings County, and the ...

How do I contact the New York Sun? ›

If you have any questions about this Policy, the practices of this Site, or your dealings with this Site, you can contact us at: or telephone at (212) 918-8184.

Is the New York daily news still in business? ›

The Daily News is owned by parent company Tribune Publishing. This company was acquired by Alden Global Capital, which operates its media properties through Digital First Media, in May 2021.

Is The New York Times still in business? ›

As of 2023, The New York Times is the second-largest newspaper by print circulation in the United States, with 296,330 print subscribers. The Times has a 8.83 million online subscribers, the most of any newspaper in the United States.

Is the New York Sun a print newspaper? ›

The Sun was the first successful penny daily newspaper in the United States. The name was revived for a print and online newspaper in the early 21st century. The New York Sun was founded by a New York City printer, Benjamin H. Day, as a four-page half-tabloid sheet.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.