The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

Over-The-Counter NASD Listings for Friday, June 21, 1963 Prior Prior Sid Asked Bid Bid Asked Bid Lucky Lager 1s Lucky Stores .80 22 Store Fixtures .40 Macco Corp .60 Macco Really Co 7 Marine Capital Corp .27 Market Basket Marshall Industries Mtatel Inc .40 Maxson Electronics Mayfair Markets .205 McLouth Steel Merchants FM Line Microdot inc Mid-Amer Pipeline Miss Pat Missiles System Corp Midland Capital Morrison Knudsen 1.60a Nalleys Inc .20 National Propane Neiman Marcus .70 Nevada Northern Gas New Eng 1.32 Oceanarium Inc .60 Ore-Ida Foods Inc Pabst Brew .50 Pacific Airmotive 314 Pac Mercury TV Outdoor Adv .60 10 10 Pac Power Light 1.00 Pac SW Airlines Pac Veg Oil Corp .80 18 17 I Palomar Mort Co .405 Parker Hannifin Pauley Petroleum 15 Pepsi Cola United Personal Prop Leas Pioneer Nat Gas .96 Pocket Books Inc Portland Gen Elec .88 261 Potash Co of Am .25 23 Producing Prop Products Research Pub Svc of NM .72 321 Purex Corp .48 Rantec Corp Republic Supply .60 10 10 Resiflex Laboratory .20 12 Rocket Jet Eng Corp Rockwell Mfg Co 1.20 Roddy Recreation Prod Rose Marie Reid .60 Royal Dutch Pet NY 1.36 Royal Industries Santa Fe Drilling .30 Scantlin Electronics 13 Scott Foreman .68 27 Searle 2 128 Sees Candy Shops 13 14 13 Servonic Instruments Sierra Pac Power Smith Indus .30 So Calif Water .76 19 So Union Gas 1.20s Southwest Gas Southwest Gas cv pf SW Resch Gen Inv SW States Tel 1.44 23 Speedee Mart Spring Street Capital Sprague Eng .40 33 Stainless Steel Products State Exploration Straza Industries Strolee of Calif ..30 Sunset House Dist Susquehanna Corp Systron Donner 12 111 Tamar Elec Ind Ins .50 Tappan Co 1.205 Teion Ranch Teledyne Inc 32 Texas Am Oil Corp Texize Chemicals Inc Thermal Power Thompson Fiber Gl .32 Thrifty Drugs .90 37 T.I.M.E. Time inc 3 83 83 Times Mirror .50 39 3612 Transcon Lines .60 Transcont Gas Pipe 241 Corp Tucson Gas .44 United Electrodynamics US Leasing US Servateria .50 United Servomation Utah Const 1.405 26 Van Camp Sea Fd .50 VSI .80 Waddell Reed Inc .60 Warner Swasey 1.80 Warren Bros .90 Wash Nat Gas 1.16 Waste King Wayne Mfg Del Webb 11 Wellington Mgt Inc 29 Western Nat Gas .25 Western Publishing Co .72 Westgate-Cal A 13 13 Westland Capital Weyerhaeuser Co 1.20 Wham-0 Mig Wiaft Co (Norman) Winchell Donut House Wrather Corp Wyle Labs Zero Mfg Co .05 EASTERN BANKS Bankers Trust 1.805 57 Chase Manhattan 2.60 Chemical Bnk NT Tr 2.00 Cont NB Chi 4 179 185 178 First Nat Bk Chi 1.60 821 First Nat City Bk 35 103 Franklin Nat Bk NY 1s Irving Trust 1.605 Meadow Brk Nt Bk 26 Mfrs. Hanover Trust 2 Morgan Guaranty 45 125 122 WESTERN BANKS Am Nt Bk San Br 1.308 Arizona Bank 15 Bank of America Bank of Cal SF 1.60 Century Bank Citizens NB LA 1.808 City NB of BH Continental Bank Crocker Anglo Bank 1.40 57 Fidelity Bank 34 34 First NT Bk of SD First Western la Manufacturers Bk Pac Nat Bk SF 1.40 59 Pac State Bank Peoples Bank 12 San Fernando Val Bk 12 Santa Monica Bank .60 25 25 Sec First Nat LA 1.60 85 Union Bank LA 1.28s United Calif Bank 1.60 US Nat Bk SD 1s Valley NB Phoenix 1s Wells Fargo Bank 1.60 Wilshire Nat Bk 19 SAVINGS LOAN HOLDING CO's Allied Empire Inc Brentwood Fin Corp Empire Financial 17 Equitable Portid 361 Far West Financial 211 Fin Corp Santa Barb Fin of West First Lincoln Financial 181 First Surety Corp First Western Fin Corp 39 391 Hawthorne Financial 10 Lytton Financial Pac Sav Loan Assn. Trans-Coast Invst 16 147 West Bay Fin Corp INSURANCE STOCKS Aetna Life 1.80 163 Amer Equitable Am Hert Life Ins 13 13 Am Nat Ins Co Argonaut Ins Co Beneficial Std Life Civil 5vc Ecpl Ins 28 28 Conn General 805 172 Cont Assurance 1a 136 141 137. Cont Casualty 1a 78 Educators Ins Co of Am Fin Corp of Am .50 17 Firemans Fund 36 38 First Nat Life Phoenix Franklin Life .45 General Re-Ins 2 215 230 212 Glens Falls 1 Greatamerica Co 15 Great American Hanover Fire Harbor Ins Co 10 11 10 Hartford Fire 1.32 65 Home Insurance 2.20 Indep Life Ins Am Jefferson Std Life 1.20 94 95 Life Ins of Vir 1.20 127 124 Lincoln Nat Life 168 163 Maryland Casualty 465 Mercury Casualty Mission Equities National Fire 1.60 122 121 Nat Union Fire 2.20 Nationwide A Pac Employers Ins 32 North River 1.70 Pac Indemnity 1s 35 Republic National Life .56 551 Provid-Wash 30.

St Paul 1.44 63 Sec Ins New Haven 2.40 71 68 Springfield Ins 1s Surety Life Ins 17 17 Title Guar Co NY 1.10 Title Ins Trust 2 Travelers Ins 1.60 197 193 United Ins Co Am 60 62 US Fid Guar 1.20s US Life .20 78 Westchester 1.40 36. Wilshire Ins Co The bid and asked over-the-counter prices quoted here, reported to The Times by the National Association of Securities Dealers, do not represent actual actions. They are a guide to the range within which these securities could have been sold (the or bought (the at the time of compilation. The Times list is determined by standing committee of the NASD. Indi.

vidual securities are automatically delisted when the bid price drops below $3 per share for five days or more. Rates of dividends are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi-annual deciaration. Unless other. wise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. SYMBOLS: -Also extra or extras; dividend.

Los Angeles Markets Transactions for Friday, June 21, 1963 BUTTER Grade AA, Grade EGGS To retailers, f.o.b. distributors' plant: Extra large AA, large AA, medium AA, small AA, extra large large medium small To retailers In cartons: Extra large AA, large AA, medium AA, small AA, extra large large medium small To consumers in large retail stores: Large AA, medium AA, small AA, large me dium small POULTRY Federal-State Market News Service Live poultry at ranch: Fryers, 44,200 head; at 17 cents; at 19; undetermined. Roasters, 8,400 head; Light hens, 18,600 head; weighted average 5.26. Crosses, 12,800 head; weighted average 6.24, Ship Movements nts Compiled by Marine Exchange. Refer to steamship companies for dock times, rates, reservations and ports of call.

ACTIVE VESSELS IN PORT Vessel Berth From Anna Bakke 179 Portland Allesandro Volta 230-A San Fran. Arizona, LB-22 Vancouver Bolinas LB-6 San Fran. Cap Ortegal LB-1 San Fran. Ciudad De Quito LB-2 Cape Otregal LB-30 Portland Coos Bay, 200 Bay Chryssi S. M.

212 Diego Ferore: Osaka Ferncliff 228-E Cristobal Fuyo Maru LB-8 Yokohama Gulfsolar 169 George Olson, 135 Bay Guam Bear, 241 Guam Hawaiian Motorist, 200-A San Fran. Hampton Maru LB-9 Norfolk Hein Hoyer 176 Bremerhaven Italcielo 153 San Fran. Kosoh Maru 144 Yokohama Kosei Maru 143 San Fran. Lechstein. LB-12 Loch Gowan 190 Fran.

Monterey, 195 Fran. Monmouth 168 Martinez Michigan 230-B San Fran. Michigan, LB-5 Yokohama Olga Maersk 177 Olympic Torch (Lib. 172 Dumai Pacific Envoy 188 San Fran. President Pierce, 93-B Yokohama President Cleveland, 93-A San Fran.

Ross Cape LB-212 Yokohama Rheinland LB-18 San Fran. Rio: Guayas 180 San Fran. Sunnyville LB-69 Kong Sakura Maru 178 Cartagena Santa Maria 107 Oleum Trolleggen LB-34 Vancouver Washington Bear, 91 Moli Yamaharu Maru LB-7 San Fran. Keravnos LB-78 Mashur VESSELS ARRIVING Vessel Berth From Bougainville 228-D Portland Hawaii, LB-20 Fran. Kanaris 101 VESSELS DUE TO Vessel Berth From Bandon 135 Florence Brasilia 58 San Fran.

C-Trader, 135 Astoria David Salman LB-54 Diego Elizabethport, L.B-214 Newark Hagurosan Maru 230-E Corinto Keystoner. 120 La Cruz (Lib. Anc. Puerto La Cruz Mission San Rafael 238 Stockton President Taylor, 90 San Fran. Pacific 187 Landing Petrolene (Lib.

164 Segundo Strom Forest LB-12 San Fran. Santa Fe, 57 San Fran. Shinsei Maru LB-20 San Fran. Toun Maru 155 Yokohama Villa Marion Anc. New York VESSELS SAILED Vessel Foss (Bge.) Flying A Washington Hoegh Dyke (Nor.) Jaricha (Nor.

Tkr.) Siuslaw (Bge.) LOCATION OF BERTHS -Outer Harbor, Basin, 101 to 149; Wilmington, 150 10 Beach, LB-1 WEATHER REPORT OFFICIAL (For June 22, 1963) FORECASTS Les Angeles and Vicinity: Low clouds with local drizzle in morning hours becoming partly sunny this afternoon and mostly sunny Sunday afternoon. Early morning lows near 60. High today near 72. Slightly warmer Sunday. Southern California: Cloudy with local drizzle from coast inland to mountains night and morning hours becoming partly sunny this afternoon and mostly sunny Sunday afternoon.

Variable high cloudiness but mostly sunny interior regions. Strong gusty winds 25 to 35 m.p.h. in desert valleys. Slightly cooler interior today. Southern California Coastal and Intermediate Valleys: Low clouds with local drizzle or fog night hours becoming partly sunny this afternoon and more sunny Sunday afternoon.

Early morning low temperatures 52 to 62. Highs today 68 to 76. warmer Sunday. Southern California Mountain Areas: Low clouds and fog with local drizzle lower coastal slopes in morning hours with partial clearing this afternoon and more sunny Sunday afternoon. Mostly sunny both days higher elevations.

Gusty winds over ridges. Slightly cooler today. Southern California Interior and Desert Regions: Mostly sunny today and but some high cloudiness especially north portions. Gusty winds locally 25 to 35 m.p.h, at times with some blowing dust and sand. Slightly cooler today.

Early morning lows 55 to 70 upper valley, 66 to 78 lower valleys. Highs today 75 to 90 upper, 92 to 102 lower valleys. Santa Barbara and Vicinity: Mostly cloudy with local drizzle in morning hours becoming partly sunny this afternoon and more so Sunday afternoon. Low tonight 53. High today near 70.

Not much change Sunday. San Bernardino Valley: Low clouds with local drizzle or fog late evening through morning hours becoming partly sunny this afternoon and more sunny Sunday afternoon. Early morning low temperatures 52 to 60. Highs today up to 76. Slightly warmer Sunday afternoon.

Imperial and Coachella Valleys Including Palm Springs: Mostly sunny today and Sunday, Gusty winds locally 25 to 35 m.p.h. at time afternon and evening hours. Slightly cooler today with highs 94 to 100. Early morning lows, 66 to 76. Santa Monica Bay Area: Low clouds in morning hours with some local early morning drizzle becoming partly sunny this afternoon and more sunny Sunday afternoon.

Not much temperature change. Early morning low near 60 and after- noon highs about 65. San Francisco Bay Area: Fair today and Sunday except patches of high fog near the ocean at times. High today 65 to 70. Small craft warnings for westerly winds 30 to 40 m.p.h.

at times. Northern and Central California: Fair ers today in extreme northern mountains at and Sunday except scattered showtimes and patches of high fog on coast. Little change in temperature. Sierra Nevada: Fair today and Sunday except partly cloudy north portion this evening probably with light showers in Plumas County. Continued cool.

Windy over ridges. Sacramento Valley: Fair today and Sunday. Little change in temperature. 75 Low this morning 53 to 60. High today to 83, Southerly winds 10 to 20 m.p.h.

in afternoons. Monterey Bay Area: Fair today and Sunday except patches of high to 67. fog Small night and morning. High today 60 craft warnings for westerly winds 20 to 30 knots at times. Extreme Southern Nevada: Mostly sunny today Sunday with some cloudiness at times.

Chance of isolated afternoon and evening thundershowers around mountains. winds 20 10 35 m.p.h. at times. Slightly cooler with highs today 85 to 98. morning lows 65 to 78.

COASTAL WEATHER Point Conception to Mexican Border: Variable winds 5 to 10 knots nights and mornings becoming westerly 10 to 20 knots in afternoons today and Sunday but northwest winds 20 to 30 knots at times off Point Conception to San Nicolas Island. Mostly cloudy nights and mornings with local early morning drizzie. Partial clearing this afternoon and more sunny Sunday afternoon. Not much temperature change. WESTERN WEATHER SUMMARY A weather front in a trough of low pressure extended from Northeast Montana southwestward through Central Utah and into Southern Nevada.

An extension of the trough continued from Southern Nevada south and southeastward into Mexico. A small low was centered along the Southwest Alaska coast in the Bering Sea. Widespread high pressure continued over the Northeast Pacific with a strong center of 1038 millibars located about midway between Honolulu and Anchorage. A surge of cool moist air was causing scattered light showers along the Washington-Oregon coasts. Considerable cloudiness prevailed along the California coast.

NATIONAL WEATHER SUMMARY The normally warm summer season began with a bit of chill in the air over the northeast quadrant of the country and the Far Northwest. A dry cool Canadian air mass which settled over the Northeast kept skies sunny but held maximum temperatures to the 60s or 70s. In the North. west a moist flow off the Pacific brought showers and daytime temperatures in the 50s and 60s inland Idaho and the Montana Mountains. Thunderstorms broke out over Montana, Wyoming and Colorado.

A I severe thunderstorm produced hail and winds close to 65 m.p.h. at Miles City, Montana. Other thunderstorms occurred across, the States, warm humid depositing Gulf locally and heavy South Atlantic rainfall. Galveston, was drenched by more than 5 in. of rainfall, most of which fell during the early morning hours.

Strong southerly winds gusted up the Central and Northern Plains, boosting temperatures to the 80s and 90s. Like warmth was featured over much of the Southland with 100-deg. readings reappearing at the hot arid southwestern areas. LOCAL TEMPERATURES Friday's maximum and minimum temperatures at Southern California points as reported to the Los Angeles office of the U.S. Weather Bureau were as follows: Station- Max.

Min. Los Angeles 71 62 L.A. Airport 73 63 Bakersfield 60 Beaumont 51 Beverly Hills 41 62 Big Bear Lake Bishop 59 Blythe Airport 104 70 Burbank Airport Campo 36 Culver City 59 Daggett 69 El Centro 101 72 Fresno 83 54 Lake Arrowhead 52 Long Beach 70 62 Montebello 77 62 Mt. Baldy 69 Needles Newport Northridge 57 Ontario Palmdale Palm Springs 65 Pasadena, Riverside 55 Sandberg 50 San San Diego Bernardino 60 San Gabriel San Pedro Santa Ana 60 Santa Barbara 52 Santa Maria 53 Santa Monica Pier Thermal 98 Torrance 54 Twentynine Palms 96 66 Victorville 82 59 Warner Springs 82 35 TEMPERATURES AND PRECIPITATION OVER THE NATION FRIDAY Max. Min.

itation Albany, N.Y 59 50 .15 Albuquerque 94 63 Amarillo 86 60 Asheville 76 64 .02 Atlanta 83 67 .72 Billings 72 .28 Birmingham .09 Bismarck .08 Boise .21 Boston .09 Brownsville Buffalo Casper Charleston S.C. 54 OFFERS TO BUY VA PROPERTY The Veterans Administration has received offers to purchase these homes as of Friday. They are listed by property management numbers and addresses. COMPTON 528964 1306 So. Central 496634 15520 Tarrant CYPRESS 566782 8296 Fountainbleau LANCASTER 435944 736 Ave.

H-10 West ROSAMOND 517541 3300 Glendower SAN BERNARDINO 256740 2329 Madison SAN DIEGO 36107 6203 Childs 563594 504 Kingswood SANTA ANA 570843. 2713 W. Castor WESTMINSTER 4277,51 13591 Tahoe Weather Conditions June 21, 1963 51 CAN 59 62 HELENA 85 63 67 DETROIT, 69 57 BOISE MOINES CHEYENNE 172 CHICAGO RENO OMAHA 59 '73 SALT LAKE CITY: 90 74. SAN FRANCISCO 76 DENVER WICHITA ST. Lous 87 65 65 LOS ANGELES PHOENIX 94.

1 CITY ATLANTA 83. 98 FT. WORTH from U.S. WEATHER BUREAU NEW ORLEANS 88 WEATHER FRONTS RAIN SNOW WARM 100 COLD FORECAST OCCLUDED For Daytime Saturday STATIONARY I WIND Show MAX. TEMPERATURE 60 High NATION'S WEATHER--This map, based on United States Weather Bureau information, summarizes latest weather conditions.

Figures beside cities indicate the maximum temperature. Shading indicates area in which measurable rain has fallen. The circled letters indicate high and low barometric pressure. Station- Max. Min.

Charleston, W.Va. 70 54 .27 Chicago 58 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus 0. Denver Des Moines Detroit Duluth El Paso Eureka Flagstaff Helena Indianapolis Jackson, Miss. Jacksonville Las Vegas Little Rock Louisville Medford, Ore. Memphis .15 Miami Beach Midland, Tex.

Milwaukee Minneapolis-St. Paul New Orleans New York North Platte Oklahoma City Omaha 80 Philadelphia .04 Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, Me. Portland, Ore. Raleigh Rapid City .28 Red Bluff Reno Richmond Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Antonio Seattle .05 Shreveport Spokane .02 Tampa-St.

Petersburg 03 Tucson 100 Washington 73 01 Wichita Winslow Yellowstone Yuma CANADIAN STATIONS Calgary 58 Toronto Regina Winnipeg Edmonton Vancouver 70 67 62 455508 .01 .36 ALASKAN STATIONS Anchorage 66 Fairbanks Juneau 58 .03 HAWAIIAN STATION Honolulu 83 73 FOREIGN CITIES Station- Weather Temp, Berlin Cloudy 68 Dublin Cloudy 63 Kingston Clear 88 London Cloudy 64 Madrid Cloudy Mexico City Partly cloudy Moscow Cloudy Oslo Partly cloudy Rome Clear Paris Cloudy Vienna Cloudy 68 VITAL RECORD Deaths Funeral Announcements ABRAMOWITZ, Louis. Malinow Silverman Mortuary. ADELMAN. Molly Sylvia, beloved mother of Ann Ruth Forman, Sidney Adelman and Ethel Newberger, loving sister of Rose Sweed, Joseph and Mayer Mill. Services 1 p.m., Sunday at Hillside Memorial Park Chapel.

Willen-Glasband Memorial Chapels, directors. AXCELL, Pete Clarence Sr. Services Monday 2 p.m. at Inglewood Mortuary Garden Chapel, 1206 Centinela, (OR. 8-3381).

BAUGH, Robert. Pierce Brothers' Los Angeles. BEESLEY, Frederick John. Forest Lawn BLAIR, Angeline. Callanan Mortuary.

directors. BOHLEN, Carsten H. husband of the late Millie A. Bohlen, beloved brother of Fred W. Bohlen, and Mrs.

Philipine Klen. Services at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn-Glendale. Forest Lawn Mortuary. (Mount) Vernon, N.Y., Argin, please copy).

BOURET, Rev. Ananais. Rosary Sunday 8 p.m. St. Anne's Church, 900 N.

Hoover St. Solemn Mass of Requiem Monday 10 a.m. at St. Anne's Church. Interment Calvary.

Cunningham O'Connor, directors. BOXER. Samuel. Services and interment Denver. Colo.

Groman Mortuary, directors. BRADY, John T. Sr. Callanan Mortuary, directors. BRUFKIN, Martin L.

Armstrong Family, directors. BUCKLEY. Lillian. Cunningham O'Connor. CAFESJIAN, Leon.

Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. CANOVA, Iva Bell, beloved wife of Leon Canova. Services at 3 p.m., Tuesday. Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn-Glendale. Forest Lawn Mortuary.

CARLTON, Maurey Allen, beloved husband of Mae. Services 8 p.m., June 25, at 2003 E. 3rd St. f*ckui Mortuary, directors. CARRIER, Mary Bell, mother of Mary Conrad Carrier, sister Mrs.

Brosious Eisenman. Services Monday, 1 p.m., at Pierce Brothers' Los Angeles, 720 W. Washington Blvd. COBEAN, Sarah C. Services today, 10:30 a.m., at Edwards Brothers Colonial.

COWEN, Dr. Samuel beloved husband of Lila, father of Candice C. Services Sunday 2 p.m. at Hillside Memorial Park Chapel. Malinow Silverman Mortuary, directors.

DAVIES, Vera, beloved wife of Ralph E. Davies, mother of Mrs. Phyllis C. Bannon, sister of Richard and Carl Neuhausen, Mrs. Gertrude Mcintyre, Mrs.

Leona Denton and Mrs. Julia Reese, also survived by 2 grandchildren. Services at 12 noon Monday, Church of the Hills, Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. Forest Lawn Mortuary. DELCONTE, Louis passed away June 20, survived by his wife Grace, brothers, Michael, Frank and Anthony DelConte, sister Mrs.

Josephine Freda, Mrs. Constance Fasson and Sophie Thomas. Services Monday 1 p.m. at Glen Haven Mortuary Chapel. Interment Glen Haven Memorial Park.

Glen Haven Mortuary, directors. DRAKE, Lawrence. Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. DUL, Kazimier, beloved father of Doris Mason and Charlotte Woolums, grandfather of Raymond Mason, Requiem Mass Monday 10 a.m. at Our Lady of the Bright Mount (Polish) Church.

PierceHamrock Mortuary, directors. EBERHARD, Jules. Forest Lawn-Glendale. Los Angeles Cimes JUNE 22, 1963-Part If OBITUARIES Priori Bid Asked Bid INDUSTRIALS Plastik Pak 131 Rents Acme Electric .250 10 Allied Properties Allied Prop Altamil a Am Bidg Maint. Indust American Express 1.40 Pipe Const Amer Rbr Plastics 1.10 Anadite Anheuser inc Busch 1.40 Applied Physics Corp Arden Farms 13 Arden Farms pf Ariz Agro Chem .32 Arizona Bancorp Arrowhead Puritas .60 Astrodata Inc Atlas Hotels Inc Automation Indust Avery Adhesive Products Avon Products 1.80 Aztec Oil Gas Babco*ck Electronics Barton Instrum Corp Bayless Markets .60 Bekins Van Storage .40 Bemis Bros Bag 2 Berkshire Hathoway Benson-Lehner Beryllium Corp Bon Ami Co I Bonanza Airlines Boston Capital Botany Industries Bourns Inc Paper Bowmar Instrument Brunswis Drug .80 17 Buffums Inc .40 Calif Computer Prods Calif Interstate Tel .80 25 Calif Liquid Gas .30 Calif Pac Utilities .90 Calif Vinter Service 1.30 Calif Tel .72 Campus Casuals of Calif Canadian Sup Oil 12 131 Cannon Electric Cap For Tech Inds Inc Cascade National Gas Cp Central Telephone 15 Century Properties Citizens.

Util A 22 24 22 Citizens Util Coca Cola LA Coleman Engineer. Colo Interst Gas 1.25 39 Colo Oil and Gas Colo Oil Gas pf 1.25 Colwell Co 18 18 Comwith Oil Ref .32 Consol Freightways .40 Consol Rock Prods .80 Cornet Stores .45 Cosmodyne Corp Cyprus Mines 1.20 Delhi Taylor. Dial Finance Diversa, Inc Diversa. Inc pf 1.25 21 23 Dob Corp Dun Bradstreet 1.10 Ducemmun Inc 17. 17 Dressen-Barnes .20 2537 Dymo Industries Eldon Industries Electrada Corp Electro Instr Electronic Cap Electronic Eng Elect Intl Cap 57 Endevco Corp 41 Ets Hokis Galvin Family Record Plan .60 Farmer' Bros Fed Mart Fed Sign Signal .95 Fed Sign Sig cv pi 1.20 Filon Corp First Boston Corp 8.50 90 42 Products Ltd .40 Four Star TV Frito-Lay Inc :60 37 Futterman Corp .60 Gas Service 1.80 Gen Tel pf .90 Gen Tel 5 pf 1 Gen Tel pf 1.10 Genisco .30 Gertsch Gilfillian Corp .20 Grinnell Corp 97 101 95 Hamilton Mgt International Industries Interstate Bake 1.60 27 25 Interstate Bake pf 4.80 87 87 Interstate Eng .50 Interstate Host .40 Interstate Vending 14 Iowa Public Sve Co.

Itek Corp Andrew Jregens .80 Jurgensen Grocery .25 Kaiser Steel Kaiser Steel pf 1.46 Kentucky Utilities 1.72 Kinetics Corp Knudsen Creamery 1a LA Drug Co .60 14 14 Laguna Niguel Koehring Co .20 Langendorf Bakery Layne Bowler .208 Lone Star Steel Long-Lok Corp L.A. Grain FRIDAY, JUNE 21 Quotations nominal, subiect to market fluctuations. Cash prices per bulk carlots, wholesale only: No. 2- 10-day shpmt. Barley 2.52½@2.57½ Corn, TC 2.82 Sorghum, TC 2.46¼ Sorghum, NT from east 2.40 No.

2- Spot Corn, TC 2.81 Sorghum, NT from east 2.41¼ CAR RECEIPTS Corn, 12; flour, hay, 188. Treasury Status WASHINGTON (P)-The cash position of the Treasury compared with the corresponding date 8 year ago. June 18, 1963 June 18, 1962 Balance: $6,945,211,528 $6,689,005,734 Deposits fiscal year, July 1: $105,705,023,885 $96,999,761,475 Withdrawais fiscal year: $108,295,931,136 Total debt $299,704,881,257 Gold assets: $15,797,277,573 $16,433,636,643 x-includes $367,889,576.65 debt not sublect to statutory limit. Earl M. Quibell Services for Earl M.

Quibell, 66, retired Los Angeles police lieutenant, will be conducted at noon today in the Church of the Hills, Hollywood Hills. Mr. Quibell, 5518 Ash Highland Park, leaves his wife, Gladys; two sons, Earl West Covina; Robert, Sunland; two daughters, Mrs. Kathryn Emerson, Bell: Mrs. Mildred Waugh, Tujunga; his father, William Quibell, and brother, Wilfred, both of Wa-, verly, two sisters, Mrs: Nellie Wolfe and Mrs.

Avis Bromley, both of Los Angeles; seven grandchildren and one. great-granddaughter. Interment will be in Forest Lawn Memo: Hollywood Hills. James P. Flynn Deaths.

Funeral Announcements FLYNN, James Patrick, beloved father of Theresa Schumacher of Bel-Air and William J. Flynn of Chicago. Recitation of the Rosary, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, and Requiem Mass 10 a.m., Monday, both at St. Paul the Apostle Church. Price-Daniel Mortuary, direcGALFIELD.

Cecile E. Services and interment Chicago, Ill. Groman Mortuary, directors. GATTEN, Bertha L. Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills.

John. Services 11 a.m., Monday, at Pierce Brothers' Monterey Park. GUZZ0, Frank J. Cunningham O'Connor. HANLEY, Paul V.

Reed Tapley Geiger. HARRIS. Antoinette passed away June 20. Services. and interment private.

Utter McKinley's Pasadena, directors. HENTSCHEL, William beloved husband of Elizabeth father of Albert Raymond, and Wanda Kittelson; also 5 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Services today, 1 p.m., Edwards Brothers Colonial. HERMAN, Mary, beloved wife of the late Morris, devoted mother of Edith Allison, Alice Sarnat of Chicago, Eli and Mona Rosenfeld, grandmother of 6, great grandmother of 7. Services Sunday 11 a.m.

at the Hollywood Cemetery Chapel, Malinow Silverman ary, directors. HIGBY. Rose Margaret, beloved mother of Mrs. Gladys Tobelmann, Mrs. Grace M.

Cox, Robert M. and Carl Higby; also 3 grandchildren. Services Monday, 1 p.m., at Edwards Brothers Colonial. HOO, Bow LinHom. Armstrong Family, directors.

HORNUNG, Erich Boris, killed in auto accident in Vaudois, France, June 14, 1963. Memorial Mass 12:05 a.m., Monday, June 24, at Blessed Sacrament Church. JACKSON, Hazel. Forest Lawn-Glendale. JOHNSTON, Renee.

Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. KAUFMAN, Sol. Services Sunday, 11 a.m., at Eden Memorial Park Chapel. Groman-Eden Mortuary, directors, 11500 N. Sepulveda San Fernando Valley.

KERR, Ane Christina. Graveside services 10 a.m. Tuesday at Hollywood Cemetery, 6000 Santa Monica Blvd. Pierce Brothers' Hollywood, directors. LALLY, Helen.

Forest Lawn-Glendale. KOFF. May beloved wife of Joseph Koff, mother of Mrs. Charlotte Freiberg and Mrs. Marian Abrams, grandmother of Gary Freiberg and Steven Abrams.

Services Sunday 11 a.m. at the Home Of Peace Mausoleum Chapel. Malinow Silverman Mortuary, directors. LALLY, Helen. Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills.

MAYO, Frank L. Services Tuesday, 10 a.m., at Glen Haven Cemetery Chapel. Pierce Brothers' Van Nuys, directors. McHENRY, Dr. Amanda Comley.

Forest Lawn-Glendale. MERZ, Mildred Roe. Armstrong Family, directors. MILLER, John beloved husband of Beatrice Miller, loving father of Neil Miller, Elaine Garfunkel and Susan Lavitt, fond brother of Dr. Charles Miller: also survived by grandchildren.

Services Sunday, 12 noon, at Mount Sinai Memorial Park. Groman Mortuary, directors. MILLER, L. R. (Bob), beloved husband of Ann E.

Miller, brother of Raymond Miller. Services 4 p.m., Monday at Pierce Brothers' Little Country Chapel, 10621 Victory North Hollywood. Friends call at Pierce Brothers' North Hollywood, from 5 p.m., Saturday. Pierce Brothers' North Hollywood, directors. MOBLEY, Josephine Edith.

Forest Lawn MOTTL, Ida. Forest Lawn-Glendale. husband of Haru, father of NAKAGAWA, Kumajiro, beloved Fred, Sam, Harry, Mmes. Toshiko Shimada, Namiko Ezaki, Hanaye Kato and Yoshiye Davis. Services 8' p.m., June 25, at 119 N.

Central Ave. f*ckui Mordirectors. NEWMAN. June 20, Ethel survived passed her away husby band Thomas, 1 sister Irene Edwards. Glen Services Haven Saturday Mortuary 11 Empel: Interment Glen Memorial Park.

Glen Haven Mortuary, directors. OKAZAKI, Mr. and Mrs. Lester, George beloved Okazaki." Services 8 p.m. June 24 at 119 N.

Central Ave. f*ckui Mortuary, directors. OKUMURA, Seihichi. Services 8 p.m., June 26, at 1913 Purdue West Los Angeles. f*ckui directors.

QUIBELL, Earl M. Forest Lawn-Hollywood 1 Hills. Services 1 p.m., Monday, at REESE, James E. Pierce Brothers' Monterey Park. RIECK, Vernon of Lakeview Terrace; beloved husband of Ruth F.

Rieck, father of Kristin Lise Rieck. Services Saturday, 1 p.m., at Christ Lutheran Church, Burbank. Further services and interment at Chicago. In lieu of flowers. memorials may made to L.A.

Lutheran High School. Bade Mortuary, Burbank, directors. RINEHART, Darrel of 2750 Barry Avenue; husband of Dor-2 othe Rinehart, father of Dwight D. Rinehart. Services Saturday, 4:30 p.m., in the Chapel of Moeller, Mur.

phy Moeller, directors, 1230 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica, RUSTAD, Rosa Meda, beloved mother of Annetta and Marion Rustad. Services at 2 p.m. Monday, Church of the Hills, Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. Forest Lawn Mortuary. RUTLEDGE, Eva B.

Forest Lawn-Glendale. SALAZAR, Michael. Cunningham O'Connor. SAMANIEGO, Alphonso, beloved husband of Evangelina, father of Henry Joseph Daniel Rulita fino, Eibira, Eloisa Alisia and Alphonso Enrique, AngeAdela Terry Samaniego, brother of Rosa Blanca Carey, Eduardo, Gustavo, Jose Luis and Carlos Samaniego. Recitation of the Rosary 8 p.m., Sunday, at Pierce 3918 Broth.

W. ers Southwest Chapel, Compton Blvd. Requiem Anthony Mass 8 a.m., Monday, at St. of Padua Catholic Church, Gardena. Deaths.

Funeral Announcements Ralph Dayton, passed away June 20; survived by his Mrs. wife, Abby Betty Sanford, his and mother ter, Mrs. Gail Gerdts of Enfield, Conn. Services 2:30 p.m., June 23, at Pierce Brothers' Van Nuys. Interment Springfield, Mass.

SCOTT, William late of 79th Street, Inglewood, loving husband of Margaret, father of Margaret Howell, Ann Pondo and Sally Crowley, brother of Samuel, Annie Armstrong and Elizabeth Whittie; also survived by 8 grandchildren. Services 11 a.m. Monday at McCormick Mortuary, 635 South Prairie Inglewood. SICILIANO, John V. Pierce Brothers' Los Angeles.

SIMPSON, Dr. Claude beloved husband of Lucy Simpson, father of Donas Davey and Craig Simpson, brother of Helen Cherry and R. C. Simpson; also survived by 5 grandchildren. Friends may pay respects 4 p.m.

to 10 p.m., Monday, and a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, at Park Mortuary, 3443 Pierce Brothers' Inglewood chester Blvd. Graveside services Tuesday, 3 at Inglewood Park Cemetery. Pierce Brothers' Inglewood Park Mordirectors. SILVERMAN, Perry, beloved husband of Annette Silverman, father of Mrs.

Marilyn Lasaine and Mrs. Marlene Shanin, er of Anne Silverman, Mrs. Esther Fendel and Mrs. Minnie Levy; also survived by 2 grandchildren. Services Sunday 3.

p.m. at the Hillside Memorial Park Chapel. Malinow Silverman Mortuary, directors. SILVERSTEIN, Abe, beloved husband of Ida Silverstein, father of Leo, Odell and Stanley Silverstein, brother of Matt Silvers, Mina Greenberg, Ida I Green, Anna Grey and Bertha Cohen. Services Sunday 10 a.m.

at Hillside Memorial Park Chapel. Malinow Silverman ary, directors. SNYDER. Ruth. Pierce Brothers' Inglewood Park Mortuary, directors.

80BEL, Joseph (Uzarski), beloved uncle of Jean Gayeski, Leo, Zygmund, Steve and John Uzarski. Rosary Monday 8 p.m. at Pierce-Hamrock Mortuary. Requiem Mass Tuesday 10 a.m. at Our Lady of the Bright Mount (Polish) Church.

SPELLMEYER, Stanley A. Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. TAYLOR. Frank G. Forest Lawn-Glendale.

TAYLOR, Thomas beloved husband of Leonora, beloved father of Mrs. Elizabeth Folger and Lawrence Taylor. Services Saturday, 2 p.m., at Forest Lawn Cypress. Callanan Mission Mortuary, Garden Grove, directors. TESKE.

Rupert. Armstrong Family, directors. THOMPSON. Charles. Forest Lawn -Glendale.

TOMBAZIAN. Mardig beloved husband of Mrs. Blanche Tombazian, father of Mrs. Lillian Yacoubian and Mrs. Mary Sexenian, brother of Hovagim; also 2 grandchildren.

Monday, 11 a.m., at Bresee Brothers Gillette. VOLLBRECHT, Lillian beloved mother of William G. Ficks, sister of Mrs. Alice V. Callihan and Arthur L.

Lawhead, grandmother of Mrs. Marcia Ebert and Paul Ebling. Services at 11:30 a.m. Monday. Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn-Glendale.

Forest Lawn Mortuary. WEINSTEIN, Manuel. Malinow Silverman Mortuary. WONG. Choy S.

Services Sunday, 1:30 p.m., at the Chapel of Gutierrez er Mortuary, 818 North Broadway. Interment Chinese Cemetery. WOZNIAK, Mrs. Irene. O'Connor.

Cunningham YOUNG. Services Fun Wong. Sunday, 3 the p.m., at Chapel of Gutierrez Weber Mortuary, 818 North Broadway. Interment Chinese Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM The officers and trustees of TEMPLE ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD announce with deep sorrow the passing of PERRY SILVERMAN, devoted member of the Tempie.

They offer their deepest sympathy to his family. FLORISTS FLOWERS Whalever the occasion, Flowers express your deepest thoughts. 5 dbl. lots. Inglwd.

Pk. Cemetery. Select loc. Priced right. FR.

2-0291. Forest Lawn, Hlywd. sect. lots separately or 353-3249. spaces nr.

fountain, Season Westminster Memorial Park. LO. 7-6966. Forest Lawn Glendale Whispering Pines, lots. Sacrifice.

(714) HY. 2-1219. 8 Choice lots, Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills. Call FR. 5-8035.

Inglewood (2) 2nd row adi. crypts, Acacia sec. Mausoleum. $2200. DI.

0-3857. Beaut. Garden Crypt. F.L. $400.

Owner ill, needs cash. OL. 1-3154 Br. From $2.50 Flowers for FOREST LAWN FUNERALS FLOWER SHOPS IN FOREST LAWN I GLENDALE CL. 4-3131 HOLLYWOOD HILLS HO.

4-6143 CYPRESS TA. 8-3131 CEMETERY Lots- Crypts Rose HILLS Cypress Lawn Addition, lot No. 730, graves No. 1, 2 3 $400 pr. ow.

7-1811. Sun, Moon, Tide By U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey NEW 466N MOON June 21 June 28 July July 13 SATURDAY, JUNE 22 Sun rises 5:42 a.m., sets 8:07 p.m. Moon 6:55 a.m., sets 9:33 p.m. Low High Low High 22 11:31 4.0 2.0 6.5 23 12:23 3.9 2.2 6.1 24 3.9 $5:59 2.4 5.5 25 2.6 High Low High Low 26 12:48 4.9 $3:12 4.0 2.

27 1:46 4.3 9:01 0.4 4.2 2.5 28 2:59 3.7 9:52 0.8 4.4 2.1 Sea temperatures: Long. Beach, 64; SanIta Monica, 65. James Patrick Flynn, 88, re tired president of the Chicago, City Employees died in St. John's Hospital Friday. Rosary for Mr.

Flynn, 1100 Bel-Air West Los Angeles, will be recited Sunday at .7:30 p.m. in St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, West Los Angeles. Requiem Mass will be celebrated there Monday at 10 a.m. Mr.

Flynn leaves a son, William, and a daughter, Mrs. Theresa Schumacher. Arrangements are being handled by Price-Daniel Mortuary. John L. Sill Private services for John Larnard Sill, 91, of 115 Camilla Whittier, will be conducted today at 10 a.m, by Rose Hills Mortuary in Rainbow Chapel.

Mr. Sill, formerly an engineer with Southern Pacific Railroad, leaves daughter, Ila Bettencourt, Whittier; one grandchild, and three Richard M. Robles Requiem Mass for Richard Moses, the Robles, 37, Department of warehouse- Water and Power, will be celebrated today at 8 a.m. in St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, with arrangements by Pierce Bros.

Gulick Mortuary. Mr. Robles, 8166 Blewett, South San Gabriel, leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abelardo Robles; a daughter, Susan; and brother, Robert.

Mrs. Olive Hume Mrs. Olive Hume, 62, retired secretary to County Registrar of Voters Benjamin S. Hite, died Thursday night at her home, 212 Hidalgo Alhambra. Mrs.

Hume had retired recently after a long career as a county employee. She leaves her husband, Phil. Funeral services are being arranged by Turner Stevens Alhambra. John T. Brady Rosary for John T.

(Jack) Brady, 76, retired special agent for California Alcoholic Beverage Control, will be recited at 8 p.m. Sunday at Callanan Mortuary. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. Monday at St. Ambrose Church in Hollywood.

Mr. Brady leaves his wife, Mary Magdalene; a son, John T. and two grandchildren. He resided at 1449 Vista Hollywood. Turkeys-Young hens, 23; yearling hens, 16.

I HAY Alfalfa: U.S. No. 1, 37.00@39.00; U.S. No. 2 leafy, 35.00@36.00; U.S.

No. 2 green, 35.00@37.00; U.S. No. 2, 32.00@34.00. Grain hay: No.

1 oats, 37.00@38.00. CITRUS Federal-State Market News Service Orange, lemon and grapefruit prices unchanged. Treasury Bonds NEW YORK (AP)-Closing over the counter U.S. Government Treasury bonds, bid, asked, net change and yield for Friday. 63 99.31 100.1 2.26 3s 64 99.30 100 3.00 65 98.31 99.1 3.24 66 100.15 100.17 3.56 35, 66 98.14 99.13 99.15 98.18 3.54 3.49 66 67-62 96.5 96.9 99.22 3.51 3.70 67 99.20 100.12 100.14 3.77 99.22 99.24 3.80 68-63 94 94.4 3.69 45 69 Feb 100.17 100.21 3.86 69-64 Jun 93.2 93.6 3.70 4s 69 Oct 100.18 100.22 3.87 69-64 Dec 92.14 92.18 3.80 70-65 92.2 92.6 3.82 45 70 100.9 100.11 3.94 71-66 91.8 91.12 3.79 45 71 100.7 100.11 3.95 71 99.6 99.10 3.97 45 72 Feb 101.1 100.5 3.98 72-67 Jun 89.22 89.26 3.85 4s 72 Aug 100.1 100.5 3.98 72-67 Sep 89.4 89.8 3.89 72-67 Dec 89.3 89.7 3.87 74 98.23 98.27 4.00 85-75 102.8 102.16 4.08 45 80 99.18 99.26 4.02 80 93.24 94 3.98 83-70 89.28 90.4 3.97 85 89.24 90 3.93 92-87 102.10 102.18 4.09 45 93-88 99.10 99.18 4.02 94-89 100.12 100.16 4.10 90 91.14 91.22 4.01 35 95 87.12 87.20 3.66 90.14 90.22 3.99 Prices quoted in dollars and thirty seconds.

New High- HIGHS Alcoa Am Std AMP Inc Ampex Cp Atlas Chem Bang Ar Beaunit Cp Berman Ch MSP Pac Chi NW Chi NW pf Clev El 111 Coll Aik CBS Con Foods Consu Pw Corning Ck pf Cruc Sti DuBois Ch Dunhill Duq 4.10 pl Fairmont Fruehauf pt Gen Refrac Haves Ind Hooker Ch Ill Cen Ind Int Pipe pf Jon Logan LOWS Book Mon Buckeye PL Century Ind Hotel 60 Kelsey Hay King Seel LockhA wi Magnavox Marath Oil Mays JW Nat Can Neptune Eng NY Central Nor Central Nor Pac NS PW 4.16pf Olin Math Owens Ill GI Peab Coal Pa RR. Pfaud Per Ph El 3.80pf Pit Forg Rheem Mf Rock Std Safeway St St Jos Lead St San SIL SanF pf Scovill MI Swest PS Sparton CP Texaco Potom El PW Sunsh Bis White pt Bank Debits Los Angeles Clearinghouse Association Friday reported bank debits at 110; corresponding date last year, 183,960. San Francisco bank clearings, 000. Funeral Directors FRIDAY-(To 4:00 p.m.) Operator Destination To Sail Knutsen Line San Fran. 23 Italian Line Genoa June 22 States Line Fran.

June 22 Fred Olsen Line Rotterdam June 21 Columbus Line Wellington June 23 Grancolombiana San Fran. June 22 Lyle Shipping Co. Bell Bay June 21 Al Peirce Lumber Hueneme June 22 National Metal Steel Indefinite Indefinite Ferore Inc. Barber Line Manila June 21 Nippon Oil Tanker San Fran. June 24 Gulf oil Co.

New Haven June 21 Oliver J. Olson Co. Hueneme June 21 Pac. Far East Line Hueneme June 23 Matson Nav. Co.

Honolulu June 22 Mitsubishi Line Yokohama June 21 Hanseatic Vaasa San Fran. 22 Itainavi Line Barcelona June Daido Line Diego June 22 Daido Line Yokohama June 21 North Ger. Lloyd Fran. June 21 Royal Mail Line Antwerp June 22 Oceanic SS Co. Papeete June 21 W.

H. Wickersham Ventura June 21 French Line Ensenada June 24 States Line Portland June 23 Maersk Line San Fran. June 21 Texaco, Inc. Covenas June 21 Furness Line Antwerp June Amer. Pres.

Lines Freeport June 24 Arner. Pres. Lines Honolulu June 21 First Central SS June 21 Hamburg Amer. Line June 21 Grancolombiana June 21 Klaveness Line San Fran. June 27 O.S.K.

Line San Fran. June 23 Pac. Coast Transpt. Co. Indefinite Crown Zellerbach San Fran.

June 21 Pac. Far East Line San Fran. June 23 Yamash*ta Line San Diego 22 World Tankers Corp, Huasco June 23 p.m. to Midnight) Operator Destination To Sail Klaveness Line San Fran. June States Line June Diamantis Pateras, San Marcos June 22 ARRIVE TODAY Operator Destination To Sail Sause Bros.

Towing June 24 Johnson Line Antwerp June W. R. Chamberlin Port Orford June 24 Can, Gulf Line Alberni June 24 Sea-Land Service Yokohama Oakland June June 23 Mitsui Line W. H. Wickersham Sewaren June 23 Gulf Oil Co.

Huntington Bch. 22 Marine Transpt. Line Seattle June 24 Amer. Pres. Lines San Fran.

June 25 Oliver J. Olson Co. Hueneme June 24 Calif. Transpt. Cp.

Yokohama Grancolombiana Puntarenas June 25 Grace Line June 24 Line Puntarenas June 22 N.Y.K. Line Acapulco June 25 Shipping Enterprises Indefinite FRIDAY 4:00 p.m.) Destination Time Port Orford 1:35 a.m. Ventura 3:00 a.m. San Fran. 8:05 a.m.

Yokohama 11:15 Florence 2:10 p.m. 34 to 73; San Pedro, 74. to 98; West 205: Terminal Island, 206 to 241; Long to Groman Mortuaries JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTORS Los Angeles RI. 8-2201 San Fernando Valley TR. We Serve MORE Jewish Families than any other mortuary in So.



WASHINGTON. RE. 2-6115 Cunningham O'Connor SERVICE SINCE 1898 850. W. Washington RI.

5-7280 9-0297 8540 Melrose, Hollywood OL. ARMSTRONG FAMILY: GUY BURT GORDON 1201 SOUTH HOPE STREET. RI. 7-9121 I FOREST LAWN Undertaking Cemetery Together Glendale, HO. Hollywood 4-6143 Hills TA.

Cypress 8-3131 DAVID J. MALLOY LUKE O'CONNOR SONS 931 VENICE BLVD. RI. 9-4448 Bresee Bros. Gillette RI.

9-5125 Since 1892 EDWARDS BROTHERS: Downtown 1000. Venice RI. 9-8261 East L.A., 3827 Whittier Blvd. AN. 1-2481 UTTER-McKINLEY MAIN OFFICE DU.



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