St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2025)


LOUIS' BEST Try A 3-Cime Ad--Results Almost Certain for Anything BOP MONEY REFUNDED ON UNUSED INSERTIONS. YOUR DRUGGIST OUR AGENT. TI SINT CASHIER--Young lady attending school desires position as cashier. or night clerk. Ad.

196, Post-Dispatch. CHAMBERMAID--Sit. by colored girl; gO home nights. 4015 Easton av. COMPANION--Intelligent.

well-educated young girl wishes position as useful companion to old lady or gentleman: willing to travel. 187, Post-Dispatch. COOK--Sit. by colored woman. 1516 Pine.

COOK -Sit. as cook. private family: colored; Southern. Laura Brown, 1415 Morgan. COOK Sit.

to do plain cooking and houseno washing. Call or write, 4357 DRESSMAKER- -Sit. br dressmaker and tailor. ess. Phone Delmar 3202L.

GIRL -Good girl wishes place where there are children. Miss Elliot. 6944 Noonan. GIRLS--Two wish positions as house and dining-room girls. 506 Taleott av.

GIRL -Sit. by colored girl, -assist general housework. 2805 Scott. GIRL-Sit. by young colored girl assist in housework; small family.

719 N. 22d. GIRL Wishes to hire out: good worker: write or call. Ad. M.

6950 Manchester. GIRL-Sit. by young for general housework; 110 washing. 2214 Bismarck, C. Filsinger.

GIRL--Sit. wanted by girl of 18 to work in afternoons. Call at 8848 St. Ferdinand. GIRL- Sit.

wanted by girl, age 18. light housework. sewing and mending preferred: part of day only. Ad. 125.

Post-Dispatch. GIRL- Sit. by neat colored girl for plain cooking or housework; small family. 3536 Bernard st. GIRL -Reliable girl wants any kind of work for Friday and Saturday.

Ad. 180. PostDispatch. (3) GIRL Sit. by young Norwegian in good family as upstairs or nurse girl.

Call in person at 3336 Lucas. GIRL, Sit. by competent colored girl for general housework or housmald in small family. 3111 Franklin aF. GIRL Competent young colored girl desires employment for half day.

steady. or 8 to 4: honest. neat and reliable. 4552 Cottage av. GOVERNESS Sit.

in private family: speak German and Preneb. Ad. Mrs. Constand. 1030 Olive st.

by colored girl as housegirl or cook; telephone Bomont 2200. 2839 Washington. HOUSEKEEPER-SIt. by widow with one small child as housekeeper; no triflers need apply. 2912 Lawton.

HOUSEGIR-Sit. by neat colored 1 to assist in housework or nurse in small fami Can 50 home. 406 S. 15th. -Sit by young as stenographer after 5 p.

1. Ad. 192, Post -Dispatch. LADY- Sit. by young as cashier or telephone girl.

Ad. I. 191. Post-Dispatch. (4) LADY- Night work wanted by young lady.

from 7 to 10: office or addressing preferred: employed during day but in need of more salary. Ad. 126, Post-Dispatch. (3) by colored to gO out or take referencs. 908 N.

21st. LAUNDRESS Sit. by colored, 3 or 4 days in week. 3:28 Franklin. LAUNDRESS Wants bundles to bring home.

Call or write, 111 S. Leonard. LAUNDRESS--SIt. by good: will take work home. Georgiana Hudson, 3320 Washington.

LAUNDRESS -Sit. by first class, colored, work by the day; references. 1015 Lucas. LAUNDRESS Sit. br first class; references.

Call Wednesday at 2231 Carr. LAUNDRESS Sit. by colored. or house cleaning: 3 days. Write or call 2513 Sheridan.

(2) LAUNDRESS- Sit. by first-class colored laundress. 2050 Morgan. LAUNDRESS Wants laundry to bring home; colored: references. Anna Lee.

2632 Olive. LAUNDRESS- Wants sit. to 20 out washing 4144 Fairfax. LAUNDRESS -SIt. to do laundry or day work.

7553 Woodland Maple wood. LAUNDRESS- P' rst-class. wants washing to bring home. 4310 Maffitt av. LAUNDRESS -Sit.

by first-class laundress. take washing home; write or call. 1612 Glasgow. LAUNDRESS Sit. by first-class laundress, to go out by day.

Mrs. Davidson, 1223 N. 15th st. LAUNDRESS -Sit. by laundress; small hundles to take home; call or write.

4317 Cotage. (S) LAUNDRESS -Wanted, washing to bring home. sinali family washing or bundles; good laundress. 3043A Fairfax. LAUNDRESS A competent laundress wants to bring home: best references.

Central 3761. Ad. 3220 Lawton av. LAUNDRESS- Sit. by reliable colored laundress: steady work: first two days.

E. Vir cent. Lindas' st. LAUNDRESS- colored laundress wants bundles to take home or KO out by the day or week. 2243.1 Scott Stores.

LAUNDRESS--SIT. by experienced 1-undress 2 days' work; $1.50 per day. Phone Grand 2716. LAUNDRESS Vhite woman. would like laundry work or housecleaning day.

M. F.1- TOr. 2:26 La Salle. LAUNDRESS- Colored laundress want to take bundles home: call or write. 601 S.

Theresa rear. LAUNDRESS Sit. wanted to takes, washing home by good laundress. 4327 Fenlinand. (2) LAUNDRESS -Wants laundry, work for Wednesday and Thursday; or write.

2007 Lawton. MAID -Position by experienced round girl; good. smart traveler. Ad. 189.

P. NURSE Sit. wantel as child's nurse, by the das. Mrs. King.

3040 Washington refs. SEAMSTRESS -Sit. by day. 1114 N. Jefferson.

Phone Central 9474. STENOGRAPHER- voung Indy: small salary, Ad. 7. Post STENOGRAPHER- Sit. by lady, firstclass beginner: can hold position.

Ad. 12. Post-Dispatch. (3) STENOGRAPHER- -Sit. by first-class stenographer and bill clerk: vears' experience; A1 references.

Ad. 45. Post-Dispatch. STENOGRAPHER -Sit. by young lady.

firstclass beginner: neat. accurate. capable of holding a position: operate Remington or Underwood. Ad. 189.

Post-Dispatch. (3) STENOGRAPHER Experienced and competent lady stenographer and ofice assistant wants position: salary reasonable. Ad. 113, Post-Dispatch. WOMAN- Sit.

to work day or half day. Call or write 3431 Olive. WOMAN- -Sit. 18 laundress or cook. Ad.

Maggie Cosby, 15 S. 21xt. WOMAN- Sit. by neat colored as cook or maid. Call or write 1116 N.

Jefferson. SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE. PAINTER Sit. reasonable. wanted by Ad.

painter, Painter, tools; 1223 Chestnut st. (2) PIANIST--Playing by ear, desires employment. Call on or ad. Geo. E.

Hatch, 914 Olive st. PLUMBER-Sit. wanted: can do all repair work: will work for $2.50 a day. Ad. 187, Post-Dispatch.

PORTER- Sit. by colored man 88 porter. in wholesale house or furniture store: can give good references. Ad. 132, Post- Dis.

(3) PORTER- -Sit. by colored as porter in store or cook and housework. A. Johnson, 2557 Montgomery. SALESMAN- Sit.

wanted by experienced city salesman and credit man. Ad. 182, PostDispatch. (S) SAWYER -First-class cireniar saw and millman wants position: references. Ad.

188. Post-Dispatch. (4) STABLEMAN- Sit. by a sober stendy: man in private stable. Ad.

16. Post-Dispatch. (2) STENOGRAPHER Sit. by first-class: two years' experience: raliroad and mercantile. Ad.

128. Post-Dispatch. (3) STUDENT--Attending school, to after school hours for desires, place, Ad. W. A.

Lamburth, 1230 Olive st. (3) TEAMSTER -Sit. by colored teamster. C. Sanders.

1633 Linden st. SITUATIONS WANTED -FEMALE. WOMAN--Colored, experienced, to do washing day. Call or write 1511 Chestnut. WOMAN- -Sit.

to take washing home by firstclass shirtwaist laundress. Call Central 1742L. WOMAN--Sit. by German woman to do cooking and general housework; experienced. 154.

Post-Dispatch. WOMAN Sit. in small family of adults for general housework: no objection to Webster or Kirkwood: colored. 2017 Olive. WOMAN- -Sit.

by middle-aged colored as cook or housework in private fainily; well experienced. 1020 N. 21st. WOMAN- Sit. by colored.

housework in small family; come home at night. Willie Smith. 1519 Gratlot. Help Wanted MALE. ACCOUNTANT Wid.

-First-class: from 30 to 40 years of age; must be competent to take entire charge of oftice work and be able to furnish bond. Ad. 111, Post-Dis. BARBER Wtd. H.

Long. Edwardsrille, Ill. BARBER Wtd. -Single: 1 or 2 years' expertence; good chance. Phil Meng.

Marissa, Ill. HELP WANTED- -MALE. TEMPLET MAKER on structural steel work: apply by letter, statIne age. experience, etc. Ad.

96, TINNER Wtd. One good allround tinner. 507 Clark av. UPHOLSTERERS pay: call once. 1414 N.

Grand av. WATCHMAKERS. Wanted. at once. 2 first-class watchmakers: also a watchmaker who can engrave: permanent position and good waxes guaranteed.

Ad. Harvell Jewelry Litchield. SHOE WORKERS WANTED. ASSEMBLER -For light work. The Disgraph 3d and Chouteau.

ASSEMBLERS. Assemblers. MeKay, stitchers, sluggers and heel trimmers; steady, O'Fallon. work. Roberts.

Johnson Rand. 234 BOYS Wtd. 'To run slugging machine. Gie. secke-D'Oench-Hays Shoe 1308 N.

16th. CLEANERS. Cleaners, trimming cutters. sluggers. Johansen Bros, Shoe 921 N.

11th st. CUTTERS Wtd. -Trimming cutters on men's work. Courtney Shoe 21st and Lucas. CUTTERS Wtd.

-First-class outsole cutters. Hamilton-Brown Shoe 21st and Locust ste. (4) CUTTERS cutter and trimming cutter. Apply Robert-Johnson-Rand Shoe Jefferson and Mullanphy. (3) CUTTERS women's work: also boys to learn in cutting room; good wages and steady work.

Peters shoe 12th and North Market. (8) EDGETRIMMERS On welts. Roberts. Johnson Rand Shoe Mississippi and Hickory. NIGGERHEAD OPERATORS On men's fine welts.

Hamtiton-Brown Shoe Ainerican Gentleman factory, 21st and Locust. (3) OPERATOR WAd. One that can trim and set edges: also pullers-over on men's welts. Faetory No. 2, Peters Shoe St.

Louis and Jefferson. ROUGH ROUNDER -Apply Roberts. Johnson Rand Shoe 13th and Mullanphy. (4) SANDERS, Gilmore bottom sanders and first-class shank burnishers. Hamilton-Brown Shoe Jefferson and Randolph.

(2) SCOURER Wtd. -First-class heel scouter: men's welts. Factory No. 2, Peters Shoe St. Louis and Jefferson.

(2) SHOEMAKER Wtd. -Good shoemaker. 4965 Suburban tracks. (3) SHOEWORKERS Wtd. -Ten hand lasters: rerienced.

Call S. Fallack. 720 S. 4th st. SHOEWORKER first-class insole cutter.

Hamilton-Brown, Jefferson and Randolph. (3) SHOEWORKER Wtd. -Expertenced staple tacker. Blue Ribbon Plant, Brown Shoe Jefferson and Mullanthy. SHOEWORKERS Wtd.

-Shoe cutters. trimming cutters and boys to learn in cutting room good pay and steady work. HamiltonBrown Shoe Jefferson and Randolph. (8) SHOEWORKERS first-class edgesetter and boys to tack on insoles: in welt room. Hamilton-Brown Shoe Jefferson and Randolnb.

(3) STITCHERS. Wtd. -Top stitchers. lining makers and welt closers. on men's work.

Courtney Shoe Last and Lucas. TRIMMING CUTTERS, trimming cutters, also edge trimmer on ladies' work. Weethelmer-Swarts Shoe Co. CANVASSERS AND SOLICITORS. Ad.

55, Post -Dispatch. AGENTS WANTED. SOLICITORS Wtd. -Experienced ladies; good wages. 1717 Franklin av.

(2) SOLICIORS expertenced lady solieltors: salary $12 per week; permanent. Murillo, 1314 Olive st. (3) SOLICITORS Wtd. -Experienced, to sell an artiele of household necessity. Particulars call at 304 Market.

SOLICITORS Wid. Thre experienced and capable men travel Eastern and Southern States for responsible St. Louts house; position will pay $250 month; permanent. AGENTS -Either sex: can make $10 per day; new ticket. Olive Studio, 720 Olive.

(14x) AGENTS Wtd. men and women to sell photo tickets: something entirely new. Genelli. 506 Olive st. (S) AGENTS Wtd.

-Photo ticket agents; 'holders new scheme; dozen pictures to coupon free. 1344 Chouteau av. (2) AGENTS. branch office managers, crew managers wanted everywhere for our new advertising premium soap package: one agent made $135 last week. Myers Mfg.

221 5th Chicavo. (8) TICKET SELLERS Wtd. -6 photo ticket sellers; new holiday offer: quick seller: good pay. Call at once. Murillo, 1314 Olive.

(8) SALESMEN WANTED. Middletown. 0. (62) TRADE SCHOOLS AND AGENCIES SALESMAN Wid. salesman, on commis Ron basis.

Ad. 111. Post -Dispatch. SALESMAN Wtd. -Traveling salesman, specialties to general trade; good offer.

Call 612 S. 6th st. SALESMAN -Shoe and clothing salesman; must have reference. Foster Mercantile 2501 Cass av. SALESMEN -For the road: position will pay $100 per month: bond or A1 reference: required.

323 Laelede Bldg. (35) SALESMAN Wtd. -Traveling woolen salesman. with trade: state experience. Ad.

P. 0. box 228. Buffalo, N. (2) SALESMAN Wid.

-For drugs or patents; perienced and must have sold in Eastern Arkansas; none other need apply. 212 S. 7th. (2) SALESMEN $25 per week and traveling expenses paid to sell goods to grocery deners: experience unnecessary. Purity Chicago.

(62) SALESMEN Wtd. -Two or three bright. specialty salesmen, able to carry of young special sales and demonstrating work. Hapgoods, 916 Chemical Bldg. SALESMAN salesman for strong line: only experienced men will ba considered: $100 and up.

Hapgoods, 916 Chemical Bldg. SALESMEN sell Dollar Door Springs and patent Corn Poppers: just out: for samnple and territory write Middletown Mtg. 1. of R. T.

in good standing; steady work and good pay. Apply at 1720 Olive st. (3) HELP WANTED- FEMALE. HOUSEHOLD HELP. Te a Line.

MEN AND BOYS bricklayinc. plastering; trades pay $5 to 85 a day: we teach you in 3 position guaranteed; free catalogue; visitors welcome. Coyne'8 Trade School, 4973-75 Easton, St. Louls. RAILROAD SWITCHMEN Wanted, finmediately, 15 experienced and switchmen; must be members of the competent COOK Good; good wages; easy hours.

2010 Locust st. COOK Wtd. -Competent mitst do washing: small family: $25 per month. 5537 COOK must have ences. 3901 Westminster pl.

(2) COOK Wtd. -Good cook: no washing; go home at night. Bell av. 3129 COOK Wtd small family; good wages. 4484 West Pine bI.

COOK. Wid. -Cook and dining room boarding house. 8120 N. Broadgirt, 000K -Good colored cook.

private boardhouse: apply at once, ready for work. 3130 l'age bi. COOK. cook and housemaid; references required. 3841 West minster.

COUPLE -Colored couple for bousework and furnace. GIRL white girl at once dinfor ing-room. 3537 Morgan. GIRL. Wid.

-For general housework. 4631 Horgan. GIRL Wed. -White. for general housework: pay.

007 Leonard, GIRL -For general housework: family of 3: det. 3623A av. Blaine GIRL Wed. For general housework; good wages. 4610 Westmduster.

GIRL. girl for general work: small family: good wares. 4208 Morgan at. GIRL WoL-To assist with general house work: no washing or froning. lorton GIRL WEd.

-For general housework: family three adults. 3232 Lafayette (3) GIRL Wtd. Young, for general hou ework; In family. 1536 Latasette. Wed.

-For general house work. 3630A GIRL Botanical av. GIRL For gene housework: small family: good wage. 3129 Kade (4) GIRL. Wtd.

Experienced housegirl. 1641 souri GIRL -Neat young girl. help in kitchen; wager. 3313 Lawton aF. GIRL.

Expertenced German, to cook. Louis av. (3) 2125 St. GIRL. for Cleveland general bousework; good wages.

GIRL. Wtd. -For general housework. Apply nt once, 0025 Bartmer GIRL -For general housework: family; flat; good home, good wages. 4714 (4) Vernon av.


WANT AD RATES. COST PER LINE. Count average words line. No accepted for less than the lines. Per line ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ...100 Situations Wanted, lines or (Each additional line, Rooms for Rent, City; Rooms With Board, City Se Household Servants (temale) Wanted Loans on Personal Propetty.

Clairvoyants, Magnetic Healing. Spiritumlism. Personal, Personal Sandries, Matrimonial Employtent Agencies Business Ads in Personal or Matrimontal and Room and Board. Birth and Notices, Obituaries, cards, of Thanks, Engagements, Marriages, Death Notices, $1.00 YOUR DRUGGIST OUR WANT AD. AGENT.

(38) DEATHS. -Entered into rest on SunABERN. 18, 1906, at 2:30 p. Emma Abeln (nee Rose), dearly beloved wife of Herman Abeln, and a dear daughter of Mrs. Johanna Rose and our beloved sister and sister-in-law, after a lingerIng illness, at the age of 38 years, 11 months and 19 days.

Funeral from residence of her mother, Mrs. Rose, 2310 North Fourteentn street, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1906, at 1:30 m. BORDING- -Clay B. Bording died suddely on Saturday, Nov.

17, at 3 beloved husband of Lena L. Bording (nee Peter), and son of Mrs. Mary A. Bording, aged 38 years. Funeral from residence, 1425 Dodier street, on Tuesday, Nov.

20, at 2 p. m. Carlyle and Belleville (Ill.) papers please copy. COX--Entered into rest Monday, Nov. 19, 1906, Mary Cox (nee Leahey), beloved daughterstef Morgan and Julia Leahey, of Dennis Leahey.

Funeral will take place from Mullen Undertaking parlors, Coleman and North Market streets, on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 2 p. to St. Teresa's Church, thence to Calvary Cereatenis (Tenn.) papers please copy. DULLE-On Sunday, Nov.

18. 1906, at 11:15 a. after a brief illness, Mrs. Mary Elisabeth Dulle, widowed Busken (nee Schiermann), beloved mother of Caroline Stefker (nee Busken), and Frances and Josephine Dulle, aged 83 years, 5 months, 17 days. The funeral takes place on Wednesday, the 21st at 7 a.

from the residence, 1538 Benton street, to St. Liborius Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. (2) FILERS -Entered into rest Monday, Nov. 19, 7:10 p.

John D. Eilers, aged 42 years, beloved husband of Louise Henrietta Eilers (nee. Muehlenbeck), and dear father John Oliver, Adam and Ida Viola Eilers. Funeral Thursday, Nov. 22, at 1:30 wath, from residence, 701 South Broadday.

Nov. 19, at 8 a. John N. FISCHER- Entered into rest on MonFischer, beloved husband of Catharine Fischer (nee Mischler), aged 69 years 6 months and 20 days. Funeral from residence, 1318 Pestalozzi street.

Wednesday, Nov. at 2 p. m. Interment private. GREVE--Entered into rest Tuesday, Nov.

20, at 12:15 a. Nellie Mildred Greve, darling daughter of Edward H. and Anna M. Greve, after a lingering illness, at the age of 20 years and 10 months. Funeral on Wednesday, Nov.

21, at 2 from family residence, 1050 HamIlton avenue, to Bellefontaine Cemetery. Interment private. HARTZ- -Suddenly, on Saturday, Nov. in New York City, Maud Rutherford Hartz. daughter of the late Lucille and Thomas S.

Rutherford of St. Louis, and wife of Col. Wilson T. Hartz. U.

S. Army. HELMKAMP-Mrs. Lisetta Helmkamp, entered into rest at the Deaconess Hospital, at 4:30 a. Nov.

20, 1906. at the age of 65 years. Due notice of time of funeral will be given. MOLLOY- Entered Into rest Monday, Nov. 19, 1906, at 1:50 o'clock p.

John Molloy, beloved brother of Thomas, James, Patrick, Michael and Bee Molloy. Funeral will take place from the residence of his brother. James Molloy, 6020 Horton place, on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 9 o'clock a. to St.

Rose's Church, thence to Calvary Cemetery. Friends are respectfully invited. Deceased was member of Mount Auburn Court, No. 249, Woodmen of the World. New York and Bridgeport (Conn.) papers please copy.

NEWLAND-Mrs. Newland, on Monday, Nov. 19, 1906, in her seventy-eighth year; mother of Mrs. W. K.

Buschnell and Miss Sophia Newlapdneral Wednesday, 2337A Nov. Olive 21, street. 9 New York papers please copy. PHILIPS- 18, 1906, at 7 o'clock, Hugh PhilEntered into rest Sunday, ips, dearly beloved husband of Minnie Philips (nee Helfinger), and dear father of Ella Philips and Clara and Rosie Maguire (nee Schillig), Amanda Renderer (nee Schillig), brother of Annie Rudglet and Ella' Fagon. Died at Cincinnati, 0.

Funeral will take place from family residence, 631 Edmond avenue, Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 2 p.m., to SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Chicago papers please copy. PSAUTSCH-Bertha Pauline Psautsch (nee Taylor), beloved mother of Berth P.

Taylor. Her funeral will take place from the residence of her sister. Anna C. Taylor. 27 South Sixteenth street, on Thursday, Nov.

22, at 2 p. to of Belle- the fontaine Cemetery. Friends family are invited to attend. Deceased was a member of Cypress Grove, No. 51, Woodmen of the World.

(3) WARBOYS- On Margaret Monday, Nov. Warboys 19. 1906, (nee p. McLagen), beloved wife of Thomas Warboys, mother of John and Henry N. Warboys and Mrs.

C. Milford, aged 75 years The funeral will take place from the family residence, 3880 Hartford street, to Bellefontaine Cemetery. Due notice of time will be given. (4) WILKINSIN. On Friday, J.

Nov. Wilkinson, 16, 1906, at his home in San Bernardino, in his 71st year. Funeral services at Mount Zion corner Olive street and Ballas roads, St. Louis County, Wednesday, Church, Nov. 21, at 2:30 p.

m. Friends are invited to attend. MONUMENTS NORMAN MONUMENT CO. 1407 N. GRAND AV.

5601-3-5 GRAVOIS AV. BURIAL Mathilda Bigden. 72, 3112 Now, Ashland trronchitis. Mary Kill. 2935 Olive: nephritis.

John Hill. 75. 3731 Arkansas: cystitis. accident. Daniel El.

63. 2815 January: accident. Johnson. 2822 Lemp: Peter Sophia Praxes, 20. 1601 Wash: nephritis.

Owen Laves. 80. 87. 2462 2602 De Kalb: Baldwin: accident. tremens.

Annie Martin Scanion. Gahen. 6123 Wells: pncumonia. Diecke, 68. 911 Chestnut: uremia.

Elda Battle. 23. 3980 MoP'herson: peritonitis. Samuel Jouth Kleine. 40.

1516 498 St. Areenal: apoplexy. tremens. Dey Annie Bording. 37.

1420 Dodier: heart disease. 00. MATT Ellen de Brown. Vor. 70, 2216 N.

11th: bronchitis. 2622 N. nephritis. Carl Moyer. Latheren Hospital: cirrhosis Eliza of 58.

1625 Chestnut: cirrbosis of liver. Turner. Fred liver. 81. City Hospital: concussion nf brain.

Wilhelmina Kratz. 84. 7152 Wellington: pneumonie. Lacy Williams 4304 Fairfax: phthisis. Louie Jarvis, 39.

3125 City Iowa: Hospital: phthisis. phthisis. Oscar Deboy, Raymond, 70. 2216 V. 11th: bronchitis.

Wilhelmina Kratz, 84, 7162 Wellington: pneumola Peter Johnson. 50, 2822 Lemp: nocident. Te a Line, C. L. E.

Lochmoeller, 42, 4952 Lorraine: nephritis. Clay Bording. 37. 1425 Dodier: heart disease. Annie Scanlan, 59.

6122 We pneumonia. John W. Able, 37, 219 Plum: phthisis. Sarah Izoe. 22.

4414 Ashland; phthisis. Freda Schaffer, 78. Female Hospital: diabetes. Jas. J.

Connors, 35. 1207 S. Compton: phthisis. Wm. Hauser, 18, 701 S.

3d: asphyxiation. Skidmore. 73. 1206 Morrison: senility. Dan Wakerman.

1022 N. High: bronchitis. Mary Kueton, 5. 4521 Pennsylvania: diph- theria. MARRIAGE LICENSES.

I. S. Sharpe. Olive st Mrs. Hannah Long.

.3732 Olive st Boyle av Macar, Clara Springfield, Mo Lizzie Wilkesbarre, Pa Frank forte City. N. Frenk Stumel. .4218 Enelid av Anna 1232 S. 6th st Thomas Galloway.

Westminster pl Sarah Cook. ...3018 Westminster pi George Black. Cowden. 111 Opel Cowden. 111 Morris ..5117 Delmar h1 Rose .5032 Minerva AV .2913 Washington av William Mattie .2913 Washington av Charles Jenner.

Decatur. Ill Nola Barker. Decatur. Ill August Woerheich -1945 Montgomery st Sophia Henneke. 4462 Washington av Mrs.

Edward 1929 E. av Maria Vienna, Ill Calvin 1708A st Lucinda Melburn. Gratiot st Bernard, Vernell. Torney. 6721 Eaton.

Alabama Cal st 6600 Virginia av William Rose Dumstorff. 6600 Virginia av Otto Stumpf .1435 N. 22d st Lillie 809 S. 9th st Schmidt. G.

M. Carroway. .917 N. 12th st Sygurnia Henderson. .917 N.

12th st Salvatore Damato. 1137 Foster st Anna 1434 N. 7th st Otto Schmieders. 2723 Compton Amelia Maynard. .2707 Compton NV Harry Lyle Campbell Topeka, Kan Middey S.

Pestalozzi st Samuel .671 S. Broadway Dollie West .6617 S. Broadway N. .404 N. 11th st Nettie E.

Meyer. 404 N. 11th st McDonald. .5936 Easton av George C. Annie Boehm Mo William Menser 1512 Cass av Alvine R.

euser 1118 Trier st F. B. Alexander 14 N. Bovla av Amanda F. Hall 14 N.

Boyle av. A. W. Basse 2630 Locus: st Mrs. Ella La Grane .2630 Locust st RECORD OF BIRTHS.

Fred and Emma Klausmeir. 3722 Lee: boy. Charles and Anna Recker. St. Louis: boy.

W'm. and Anna Simons. 221. Benton: boy John and Katie Miller. 1428 N.

12th: boy. Wilber and Bertha Berker. 2012 ourt: bor. Joe and Emelie Knap. 3403 11th: bor.

Albert and Agnes Musbaum. 1385 Union: tor. John and Sarah Phelps, 5311A Theodosia: bor. Francis and Mary Holland. 1416 Granville: boy.

Michael and Anna Murray. 5832 Theodosia: boy. John and Stella Imbero, 1322 20th: bov. Arthur and Bertha Stemberg, 3045 Fairmount: boy. Andrew and Jennie Wertland, 5377 Theodosia; boy.

James Rose Walsh. 2111 Cass: gi 1. Harry and Eva Denny. 2020 Olive: girl. John and Anna Marshall.

2020 Olive; Joe and Regine Goldstein. 1517 Carr: girl. girl. Owen and Elizabeth Dit. St.

Louis Guy and Lucy Thompson. 3507 girl. Alven and Ima Wagoner. 5027 Theodosia: girl. George Edward and and Gertie Sarah Gibson.

Raymond. ,1021 Fairfax: Olive: girl. girl. August and Anna Kosfield, 6740 Vermont: girl. Michael and Jannie O'Toole, 6202 Suburban: girl.

Edward and Lucilla Pottshoff. 3202 Harper: girl. Barney and Rachel Morr. 2373 N. 15th: girl.

Charles and Bertha Rechenbach, 1521 Collins: wirl. William a mi Manica Gentry. 4032A Shenandoah: girl. LEGAL. BANKRUPT SALE OF SAFES AND OFFICE FURNITURE.

In pursuance of an order of the District Court of the United States, by its referee in bankruptcy. sealed bids for the purchase of the stock of goods of the St. Louis Safe and Desk baukrupt, consisting of safes, desks, chairs, machinery, fixtures and office supplies, will be received by the undersigned at 614 N. Third street. St.

Louis, up to the 23d day of November. 1906, at 12 o'clock noon. All articles of stock will be sold separately by item, and all bids must specify articles by item number, as the same appears in inventory. which will be furnished on application, at 614 North Fourth street, St. Louis, where stock is also on view.

Rejection or acceptance of Any bid is subject to the approval of the Court. OHRISTIAN CLAUDY. Trustee. St. Louis Safe and Desk Bankrupt.


1906. EXPANDED METAL CO. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING -The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Expanded Metal Co. will be held at the company's office. 201 North Fourth street.

St. Louis, on Dec. 3. 1906. at 9 a.

for the election of directors and such other business as may come before the meetIng. OSCAR BRADFORD. President. HENRY SEMPLE AMES. Secretary.


1906. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Syndicate Development Corporation will be held at the offices of the cotipany. room 803 Merchants- Lacedo Building. elty of St. Louis, State of Missouri.

011 the 24th day of January, 1907, at 9 o'clock a. for the purpose of voting upon a proposition then and there to be submitted to increase the capital stock of this company from tive thousand dollars, its present authorized capital, to fifty thousand dollars. J. G. Hughes, See'y W.

E. Winner, Pres. M. H. Waters.

Elmer Jenkins, E. S. Lady, A. G. Bardwell, H.

G. Pert, John Mayer, H. E. Martin, Directors. Lost and Found IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING- -Advertie- it bere.

It returned to you if an honest person finds it. Remarkable recoveries are brought about every day through this column. All druscists receive Want Ads for the Post-Dispatch at office rates. 1F YOU FIND ANYTHING -Bring the Post-Dispatch Lost and Found Bureau. 210-212 North Broadway.

Get a claim check for it. Have advertised. Reclaim it if the owner does not. THE LAW--People who find lost articles are interested in knowing that the State law (section 8475 to 8489. Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1899) Is strict in requiring them to seek the owners through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do so involvea a severe penalty if same can be proven.

LOST. BELT Lost. gray cloth belt. oll King's highway: reward. 4928 Washington bl.

BOOK Lost, red back minute book. Union Tent No. 90; reward. Return Blands. 1802 Goode av.

BRACELET- -Lost. Sunday. Grand child's silver snake bracelet. Return 2902A Greer reward. CITAIN, ETC.

-Lost. Nor. 11, gold rope chain. stone locket, at Sarah st. Junction: reward.

2112 Harris. OLASS PIN--Lost. gold class pin. Initials M. '05.

engraved on back: S. M. reward. J. McAllister.

3814 Olive st. CLOTH. -Lost, package of cloth and two wagon end gates, between 1700 S. 7th athi 1300 Emmett. Saturday evening; liberal reward if.

returned to Ellermann Grimm. cure of Richarz Press Room, basement Walnwright 7th and Chestnut sts. DOG-Strayed, white female bull pup, with one black eye. Reward at 6171 Ridge. DOG Lost.

dog. one eye, brown. and 2 ears: all white. Return to 2008 Olive: reward. DOG Lost.

an Arredale terrier dog; color. black and tan: reward. Return et 4907 Berlin. DOG- Lost. Scotch collie, reddish brown: 4 white feet: white breast and collar: reward.

4484 Maryland. DOG- -Lost, beagle hound, white, black and tan: black strap collar; return to 2737 Emerson reward. DOG- Lost. Irish setter bird dog: white mark on bead and breast: name reward: phone Lindell 742. 4120 Inclede.

DOG Friday, from 5241 Maple large, light tan Scotch collie, with four white feet. white tip on tall. white rim partie around neck: wears leather strap collar and anewers to name of "Nip." Phone Forest 4200. (3) EYEGLASSES Lost. gold-rimmed eyeglasses.

chain. ear hook, getting off Broadway car at Gratiot Monday. a. on Gratiot between Emadway and Levee. Return A.

R. T. Levee and Gratiot, Reward. IMPORTANT TOADVER ISERS, YOUR DRUGGIST OUR WANT AD AGENT. Our motto: place for everything and everything in its Count 7 average words as one line.

The Post Dispatch reserreg the right to revise advertisements and to reject or omft. and refund the amount paid. Report promptly to the Want Ad Manager failure to get returns, or experience with fraudulent or disbonest advertisers. Return wrong replies, giving your receipt number. Two 07 more insertiona are better than one.

Try a three-time ad--results almost certain for anything. Moner refunded on unused Insertions when requested prior to dag of publication. Errors corrected or money returned. When downtown dietate your ada to Want Ad Stenographer at the Main Office. For display rates, contract solicitors and advertising ad ire consult the expert in the Post -Dispatch Want Ad Information Enreau.

Phone Bell Main 3150: Kinloch Central 3415. Office hours: Saturdays, 7 n. m. to midnight; Sundays, 8 a. m.

to 6 p. other days. 7 a. m. to 11 p.

m. al! -0 LOST AND FOUND. HOUND--Lost. black and tan female hbund: reward. 3739 California.

MARE -Lost. bay mare, blind in left eye, hipshod 011 right hip; marked phone Bomont 1654L. Return to 3138 Fine st. and receive liberal reward. MEDAL Lost, gold medal; name Harry Moorman on face; $5 reward.

Return to 701 N. 34 st. 13) MONEY- Lost. $10 bill. Reward if returned to 3200 Vista.

NECKPIECE -Lost. between Taylor and Vandeventer. Maryland and Pine, squirrel fur neckpiece gift of deceased relative: reward. 3856 West Pine bl. OVERCOAT -Lost.

brown overcoat. Sunday. between Ars nal and Withnell. on Lemp reward. Return 3337 Missouri av.

PIN Reward for return U. D. C. pin, name on reverse. to Sarah M.

Hawley. 524 Commercial Bldg. POCKETBOOK- Lost. Saturday night. Easton car.

lady's pocketbook, containing $18 and other memoranda: liberal rewanl if returned at once. Ad. 131, Post-Dispatch. (4) POCKETBOOK Lost. lady's pocketbook.

containing money, on West Stein between Broadway and Michigan liberal reward. Joseph Ruhrmann. 304 West Stein st. (2) POOK -Lost. on Park car, this morning, pocketbook, containing money, ring and some private papers; owner is willing to give good reward if returned.

3906 Folsom. POCKETBOOK -Lost, lady's pocketbook. containing bills and some small change, at West Belle and Vandeventer, or on Vandeventer ear: reward if returned. 3820A WindBOT pl. PUP -Strayed or stolen from 2002 Obear fox terrier pup, Queen.

6 months old: liberal reward. Louis I. Waltke, 2002 Obear. PURSE Lost. brown nurse.

on Market or Compton car: name on purse. 615 N. 18th. PURSE- purse, Saturday, containing and money. Return to 403 Laelede Bldg.

black leather purse containing $2 in silver and library card: reward. Donnaboggs-Hall Chem. 15th and Olive. PURSE -Lost. black parse.

Cass car. Saturdav evening. containing of working girl. key cards. Return to address 01 cands: reward.

RE- Lost. lady's black leather purse, containing about $17. Well ton car. Monday Ding: engraved Vera Clinton Mack: reward. 5014 Kensington.

Fort 4.07 RING -Lost. solitaire diamond ring. between Burd. Union, Page or Belt: reward. 1357 Burd av.

RING -Lost. ring. at the glove counter in Barr's Dry Goods store: liberal reward. Ad. 150, Post-Dispatch.

RING Lost, Sunday afternoon, on Cottage between Spring and Grand, or on Grand gentleman's ring. dark-red setting: liberal rew a.d if returned to 3113 Pine st. STICKPIN- -Lost. stickpin. Sunday afterncon, CrOWn.

set with pearls; reward. 1146 N. 20th st. SUIT CANE -Lost. A wicker dress suit case, containing pair blue trousers, black vest.

pai of low shoes and a shirt; reward paid To finder. 4967 Berlin av. (4) UMBRELLA- -Gentleman who found gold-handled umbrella. monogram A. J.

lost 3 weeks ago, kindly return to 414 N. Broadwar and receive $5 reward. WATCH FOB -Lost, sterling silver watch fob. W. H.

'04 class pin. First Christian Church Sunday school pin. initials U. M. B.

on emblem; reward. 1109 Olive st. WATCH- Lost, small gold watch. with gold coin fob: initials L. B.

01 case: set with diamond: finder please return to 304 Board of Education Bldg. for reward. WATCH- Lost. on morning of Nov. 19.

in ladies' waiting room at Grand-Leader store. an old-fashioned open-face lady's gold watch. with gun metal chain. If returned to Union Sand and Material 702 Holland Bldr. a reward of 85 will be paid.

Employment Wanted APPRENTICE-Sit. by a barber apprentice: years' experience. 2610 Chippewa. BAKER- -Sit. by first-class alluround man, OF porter.

Ad. S. A. Cosby, 15 S. 21st.

BARTENDER- -Sit. wanted by young man AS bartender or assistant bartender. Ad. 116, Post-Dispatch. (2) BARTENDER -Sit.

by young experienced, sober man, willing to work; ref. Ad. 107. st BOOKKEEPER -Sit. by young man, aged 25.

as bookkeeper: city references. Ad. George H. Kruep, N. Theresa.

BOY- Sit. by a colored boy: would like to be a machinist. Call or write, 1304 Morgan. (4, CARPENTER Sit. wanted by carpenter and builder; new and repair work.

Joseph B. Young. 3116 Washington. Bell phone 25561. 43) COOK--Sit.

by Japanese: short-order or dinner: city or country. Ad. 117. -D. (2) ENGINEER -Sit.

by licensed engineer, machlaist: sober and industrious. Ad. 4107 Missouri av. GENTLEMAN- Sit. by educated as companion, traveling or at home.

or attendant: K00 1 references. Ad. R. J. Finley, Macon.

Mo, (2) HOSTLER -Sit. by colored man: private stable or livery: good references. I. Anders, 11 S. 23d st.

HOUSEMAN- Sit. by German as houseman, janitor or to tend to horses. Ad. 13, -Dispatch. (4) JANITOR.

ETC. Janitor or porter wants DOsition, without refs. 4275A Labadle av. or JANITOR. wantel as janitor houseman by experienced colored man.

1326 11th MAN- wanted 10 attend furnace board and sinall wages expected. Ad. 173. P. -D.

MAN- Wanted. by competent man, sit. as boller or fu. Ad. 133.

Post-Dis. MAN- -Sit. by settled colored man as porter or Janitor; good ref: rences. Ad. 103, (2) MAN AND WIFE Colored.

want sits. to attend horse and cook. Ad. 7 S. 21st st.

MAN--Work wanted by handy youn; Swede. 198. Post- Dispatch. MAN AND WIFE--Want to take charge of boarding house: in or out of city. Room 5.

1421 Pine st. MAN-Stout. Active young man would like alli experienced in many things; 21 years. Ad. 123.

P'ost-Dispatch. (3) MAN- Wants job work and furnace to attend. in neighborhood of 4500 West Pine. Ad. George.

4335 Maftitt. MAN -Respectable young man. 30. would like work in private boarding house: at present emplored. Ad.

1. 17. Post (2) MAN -Experienced young man. stenographer, Remington or Underwood operator, desires position: now employed. Ad.

132, Post-Dis. MAN-Sit. wanted by 01 Intelligent colored man to work with a tallor or firm, pressing and wending; 4 years' experience. 1713 Pendleton aV. (2) MAN-Sit.

by a reliable and honest man in wholesale house or office: willing to learn aird start at moderate salary: beat of references. Ad. 20. Post-Dispatch. MAN-Sit.

by roung man. aged 22. in shipping department: 2 years' of experience references. in shipping and marking: best Ad. 85.

Post-Dispatch. MAN- -Young man of 23. employed. wishes DOeition where he can prepare himself as road salesman 02 as an assistant; good reference. Ad.

115. Post MAN- Sit. by steady. industrious. ambitious.

hustling man: knowledge bookkeepina, advershoemoking: capable, responsible; 30: good references. Ad. 149, Post-Dis. (4) MAN -Sit. hr elderly moan.

German, under stands horse. cow. furnace, general work about place: competent, reliable: home: small wages, August. 329 Laclede. (2) MAN- Sit.

wanted by man of executive bustness ability. expert collector and clerk: position de once: my ability my best recommendation. Ad. 144. MANAGER Sit.

wanted as manager of photo stock house or same line. in department etore: result obtained. Ad. L. 181, (4) HELP WANTED -MALE.

BARBER Apply 22 S. 9th immediately. BARBER Miles Solved 60c on $1. Joseph Hamilton, Grove. (8) BELLBOY AND HOUSEMAN WEd.

Colo Wellington Hotel, 715 Pine st. BOOKKEEPER Wtd. -Young man. experienced preferred: bring references. Apply 3711 N.

Broadway BOOKKEEPER Wtd. -One understanding plumbing business preferred. J. H. Crowley.

Hamilton and Delmar. BOY Wtd. -To ride pony. 2341 S. Jefferson.

BOYS Wtd. -To work at night. Apply Missouri District Telegraph 412 Pine. (3) BOY work in drug store. 3201 Franklin av.

BOY Wtd. -Must 14 years old. Columbia Box 19th and North Market. (8) BOY Wid -Strong boy in bake shop. Call at 415 Washington av.

BOY Wtd. -Good bor to work in drug store. 3130 Lacledo. BOYS Wtd. --14 rears and over.

Mengel Box Folsom and Lawrence. (7) BOY Wtd. -To run errands, pack, clean up. etc. 3032 Olive a st.

(2) BOY Wtd. -Strong boy to work 1n drug store. Charles Yaeger, 2245 S. Grand. BOY have references.

C. Heinz Stove 14th and Poplar. (3) BOYS telephone factory. Wisco Supply 7th and Clark. Ask for Mr.

Pickert. BOY plumber's shop. A. J. Fisher, 1110 Whittler st.

work in drug store; day work only. 4267 Olive. BOY Wtd. -Good. colored.

15 to 18 years old. to work in a drug store: must have references. 4101 Olive. (5) BOY Wtd. -With office experience, folding letters, sealing and getting out a mall: call at once.

Room 648 Century Bldg. (8) BOYS Wtd. -Between 14 and 15 years of age. capable of advancement. for wholesale house.

Ad. 23. Post -Dispatch. (2) BOY Wtd. -Good.

reliable boy. bundles deliver goods. M. Marks. 703 Lucas, 4th floor.

Wtd. -Who can ride on car ticket. to deliver bundles after school. 2706 Russell av. BOY Wtd.

smart boy. abont 14. for optical store. Fugert Fisher, 8th and Locust. Victoria Bide.

(3) BOY Wtd. ---To work in factory; not over 22 rears of age. Apply northeast corner Vine and N. Commercial. BOY Wtd.

--Bright. intelligent office boy. Hall Brown Woodworking Machine 1913 N. Broadway. BOY Wtd.

neat, 14 years old. to run errands: tine opportunity for advancement: apply with parent. Inland Type Foundry. 12th and Locust. (2) BOY Wtd.

-Strong bos. about 19 years, as stock clerk in bookbinders supply and machinerv house: chance for advancement for bright and intelligent boy: address. with references. in own handwriting. 35, (4) LABORERS QUARRYMEN Wtd.

-East St. Louis Stone Falling Springs. Ill. (2) LABORERS American Car Foundry Madison, Ill. (8) LABORERS Wtd.

-White; apply Car Wheel Foundry, 2301 Kosciusko street. (8) LABORERS Apply Car Wheel Foundry, 2301 Kosciusko street. (8) LATHE HAND turrent lathe hand. with references, 124, Post-Dispatch. 13) LUMBER PILERS lumber pilers.

John J. Ganahl L. 2d and Park: at once. LUMBER GRADERS Apply American Car Foundry Madison. Ill.

(8) MACHINE HANDS -Allround. Furniture factory, 2620 N. 15th st. MACHINIST -Apply Armour National Stockyards. 111.

(3) MACHINIST first-class lathe hand. 1 planer hand. 1 door hand. 300 S. Main.

MACHINISTS machinists and lathe and hands; Foundry steady work. St. Charles, Apply Mo. American (4) Car MAN Wtd. -Meateutter help: salary $10 week.

J. J. Jordan. 2661 Olive. (2) MAN Wtd.

Nonunion woodworking machine man. 1416 N. Sarah st. MAN Wtd. -With St.

Louis experience to work in grocery and delivery. Phone Central 3288R. MAN man with some experience on job presses. 631 S. 4th st.

MAN Wtd. -For private place. Apply 1240 N. Main st. Wtd.

-For general work and porter. 907 JEAN Broadway. MAN Wtd. -To take care of horses. 3883 Windsor pl.

MAN Wtd. -Old man to do chores, around the house and tend to horse. Olive. MAN Wtd. -Young Inan, stock clerk.

order filler: mail-order dry goods. 1830 Pine st. MAN drive take care of horse and wagon for plumbing business. 2335 S. Grand av.

MAN man who understands grocery business thoroughly: references. Prairie and Cote Brilliante ave. MAN once, a reliable man heating greenhouses; steady work. A. Brix, 1518 St.

Louis av. MAN Young. to work in cigar store; experience preferred; references required, 9 N. 18th st. MAN for cutting glass, with experience.

Huttig Sash and Door 1206 Manchester road. (3) man about 16 for counter work and to assits in tea and coffee business. Athletic Tea 801 N. 2d. MAN Wtd.

-Competent colored: for dining room and housework; come ready to work. 4956 Washington. MAN Wtd. -Young man with general knowledge of bookkeeping and atock keeping: good chance for bright ronng man. Monarch Waist 9th and St.

Charles. MAN man about 19 rears old, who has had some experience on books. assist bookkeeper: must write a good hand and be accurate with figures: for house. Ad. 184 Post-Dispatch.

(3) Wtd. -Bright, young. 16 to 20. As nographer and general office assitant: in hardware business: one with some knowledge of the business preferred. Ad.

171. Post-Dispatch. (2) MAN Wtd. -For accounting department wholesale house, intelligent young man. about 20 rears of age: must write a 200 1 hand and be accurate with figures.

Ad. 182. Post-Dispatch. (3) MANAGER manager for A restaurant: must have references. 417 N.

7th st. Wtd -First-class: no other need applv. 926 Hamilton. MEN Wtd. -Woodworking machine hands.

American Car 1525 Old Manchester. (8) MEN Wtd. --25 colored concrete men: Wednesday morning: 2d and Clinton. G. Evermann.

MEN AND TEAMS Wtd. -Wednesday morning: 1100 S. Broadway. McNamee Sons. MEN Wtd.

Missouri District Telegraph 412 Pine st. (3) MEN corn. this morning: 16 miles out. 926 N. Broadway.

MEN men to learn gray Iron molding trade. Ad. 67. Post-Dis. (8) MEN men to clean glass.

Room 3, N. 10th st. (2) MEN wages. St. Louis Lead and 011 Works.

Manchester and Sublette. (7) MEN to take orders: coffee. tea, groceries; $15 week. 406 Market, room 220. (60) MEN Wtd.

-Piecework unloaders, sand. coal. pig iron. good pay to right men. Commonwealth Steel Co.

Granite City. 111. (2) MEN -Able-bodied young men, about 20 years old. for stock department. wholesale house: own handwriting.

Ad. 183, PostDispatch. (4) MEN Wtd. -We want men to travel on the road as special sales managers: only those need apply who have trained commercial business experience in dry goods. clothing and a knowledge of advertising: call at once.

Adam Goldman, president and general amnager. New York and St. Louis Consolidated Salraze Century Bldg. (8) OFFICE BOY -An intelligent office boy. about 13 years of age, who resides with parents: salary $5 per week.

Ad. 127. Post-Dispatch. (4) PACKER Wtd. packer for shipment: mail -order groceries and general merchandise.

1828 Pine st. PACKERS glass and queensware packers. Apply 308 N. 15th 31 floor. (3) PASTEBOY Wtd.

-Experienced: good wages: stendy. Call at 6317 Barter a av. Subu. ban Park car. PAVERS.

and brick wheelers on Kansas st. and Colorado AV. Skrainka Con. Co. (2) PLUMBER -Nonunion.

Call 1416 N. Perah st. PLUMBERS. -Plumbers. CAN ADd steam fitters: first -class men: wages $3 to $0.50 per das.

Ad. A. M. Goddard. secretary Master Plumbers' Association.

Tacoma. Wash. (2) POLISHERS Wtd. -Shovel polishers or men to learn shovel polishing St. Louis Shovel Duncan av.

and Sarah at. (8) PORTER Wtd. -Colored. 110 Pine st. PORTER Wtd.

-For grocery and meat matellerly man preferred. 3500 Magnolia. PORTER Wtd. Colored. New Lindell Hotel.

6th and Lucas. PORTER Wtd. -Apnly between 6 and 8 tonight. Henry Gooss. 300 Chestnut.

P'ORTER Wtd. -Colored: for barber shop. Franklin av. PORTER, Wtd. Burlington One Hotel.

who 1624 can care Market. for furPORTER White man, to make himself generally useful in medicine factory. 214 S. Main. -TER Wtd.

-Experienced young white porter. Mechantes- National Bank: D. ask: for references required. PRESSER 1 an on conte, immediately. Schuck Pressing Club, 453 Boyle.

PRESSFEEDER pressfeeder. Con I'. Curran Printing 401 N. 34 st. PRESSFEFDER Wtd.

-Good Gordon press feeder. St. Louis Bill-of-Fare Press, 702 N. 7th. PRESSMAN Crlinder.

Apply 1027 N. 7th st. L. Volkenning Sons. PRESSFEEDERS, Wed.

-Lithograph pressteedLitho. and Eng. 24 and Vine stg. (3) PRESSMAN platen presses: must also feed: two-thirder can find steady enployment at good wages. The Herald.

Collinsville, Ill. (2) RAILROAD BILL CLERKS, Checkers and receiving clerks for out of town. to take the places of men on strike: wages 850 to $90 per month: DO fee. Don't apply without service letters. Room 3.

113 6th (2) RIGGER Wtd. -For moving machinery: also one cement finisher. Apply Westlake Con. Mercantile Bldg. RIVETERS, Wtd.

--Riveters and blacksmith helpers. "St. Louis Car 8000 Broadway. (2) SHOVELERS Wtd. -Ten shovelers at 2.25 day.

and Marion. STAMPER stationery: Aret-class. capable of taking charge of stamping department: permauent position It suitable: give references and state salary expected. Bunde Upmeyer jewelers and etatoners, Milwaukee. Wis.

(2) STILIPPER Good tobacco stripper. 716 av. TEAMSTERS -To drive company teams and haul brick. Apply Hydraulic Press Brick King's highway and Frisco R. R.

(3) TEAMSTERS Wtd. -To drive company teams and haul brick. Apply Hydraulic Press Brick Gen vols and Chippewa. (3) TEAMSTERS. Wtd.

wheelnished. holders and setter laborers: board fur6300 N. Broadway, gan. (2) BOYS Apply Bottling Anheuser-1 Busch Brewing Association, 11th and Pestalozzi. (6) BUNDLE BOYS, ETC.

Musings also wagon boys; over 14 years and come well recommended. Apply to Supt. B. Nugent Bros. Dry Goods Co.

CABINET MAKER -Mound Coffin 2000 N. 2d st. CANDY MAKER Southern Confection 220 Chestnut 3d floor. (2) CAR BUILDERS repairers and car carpenters. Apply American Car Foundry Madison, Ill.

(8) CAR REPAIRERS. Wanted, good car repal. ers. who thor ugh understand their business, for out of town, no trouble. Apply 23 S.

7th st. (3) CARPENTERS AND CAR BUILDERS Wtd. Apply at foot of Utah st. (8) Wtd. -Armour National Stockyards, Ill.

68) CARPENTERS, and car builders. Apply American Car and Foundry Madison. Ill. 68) CARPENTERS. carpenters 10a0 to take charge of work: one who 1s familiar with blue prints and has had experience on concrete forms.

8. Casparis, Crystal City, Mo. CASTER Wtd. -Plaster caster. J.

T. Evans, 111 N. Sth st. (2) CHEF Wtd. -Between 35 and 50: must know how to handle colored help; salary $100 per month: must be meatentter.

L. J. Mivelez. Waldorf Cafe, Memphis, Tenn. (4) CHOPPERS good choppers.

Mills Averill Tailoring Broadway and Pine. CLERK --A grocery clerk. at Morton and Minerva P'age Avenue Heights. CLERK Wtd. -Competent drug clerk: steady position: state age and experience.

Ad. 153. Post-Dispatch. COLLECTOR. -Collecto: and solicitor.

Apply after 5 p. room 326 Mermod-Jaccard Bldg. COMPOSITORS -PAy 1 no attention to advertisements for printers. Strike on. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION NO.

8. (S) CONCRETE MEN -For street work on North Market between Clara and Goodfellow. Skrainka Construction Co. (2) COOKS Two male cooks. at once.

203 N. 12th st. COUPLE Wtd. -For farm work. Apply 312 N.

Sth st. CUPOLA TENDER Wid. -Apply 123 Soulard. DISHWASHER Wtd. -Man; no Sunday work.

304 N. 3d st. DOCTOR very gray physician. registered in Illinois and Missouri. for position in office and small hospital in city: liberal pay: no traveling: short hours.

Call or write, with full particulars and photo. Dr. 201 N. 12th, St. Louis.

(9) DRAFTSMAN Wtd. -At once: experienced: good wages to right man. Apply Dodge Dav. Wagoner Electrical Mfg. 2017 st.

(3) DRILL RUNNERS, Wtd. -Drill runners and rock men. all winter work. 12th and Branch -Cooney Const. Co.

(9) DRIVER Wtd. -At once. Apply 2719 S. 13th st. DRIVER Wtd -Conl driver: steady work.

718 Market st. DRIVER Must have references. Apple to Jeremiah Murphy Packing Jefferson and Morgan. DRIVER elty delivery wagon: who can take charge of team and wagon: living Newatead and Natural Bridge: must be near 620 34. steady.

Weltien's Express, ELEVATOR BOYS -Grand Avenue Hotel. Grand Olive. ERRAND BOY Wed. -110 Pine st. FIREMAN downdraft boiler.

Anply engineer. Hotel Jefferson. FIREMAN Wtd. -Small plant: permanent sition for steady man. Apply Central Y.

M. C. A. FLORIST Wid. -For general work around Floral 3130 N.

greenhouse. Bentzen Gram. GROOFRY CLERK 2401 N. Taylor av. HORSESHOER Steadv work.

Call Missouri Express 718 N. 2d. Wtd. -Apply Southern Hotel. (2) HOUSEMAN HOUSEMAN -White.

Centenary Hospital. 2043 Lawton av. HOUSEMAN WEd -An experienced Call houseman: toone who can take care of horses. dar. 3223 Lucas.

steam-heated flats: must JANITOR Wtd. -For and have good references. experienced Zelbig. 719 Chestnut. Cornet -Water Tower Baptist Church.

JANITOR Wtd. church. 2115 East Grand to p. m. Apply at Vednesdas.

from KITCHEN HELPER Good kitchen Windsor. helpready for work. 3739 er: come -Apply foot of Utah. (S) LABORERS Wtt. Car LAPORERS Wtd.

-Anerican Old Manchester rd. For street work and quarLABORERS house it wanted. Fruinry work: boarding S. av. (S) Bambrick Con.

600 Spring -50 sewer laborers, at 8000 walk 2 blocks east to sewera, LABORERS Wid.N. McIntyre-Feese Con. Co. (4) Broadway: Wtd. -50 laborers.

at AnheuserLABORERS Broadway and ArRuech shipping Ruecking. depot. (2) Renal. LABORERS. at Wicker, steady work all winter.

Wtd. -Laborers and ers st. (3) Apply 101 Barton -Take Creve Coeur st. cara LABORERS Wtd R. R.

tracks and walk to Virus: to good. Colorado hoani. Sinclair Quarry and Construe(8) tion Co. ETC. Wed.

National Imn LABORERS. and Brady, East St. Louts foundry laborers. molders, helpers, one good Works, SaW architectural man: can iron use work, men, (4 accustomed to so GIRL general housework; wages $20 month. Apply 2040 Franklin (2) GIRL German.

to assist in general housework: no washing. 1427 Missouri. (3) GIRL WEd for general homework: good wages: Suburban Park car. 6175 Pairmount av. GIRL Wtd.

-For general bowsework: German or Hungarian preferred: best WARDS: 5178 Kensington. GIRL -About 15. to take care of childen and help with kitchen work. Dickson st. GIRL.

WEd. To do cooking and general work: small family; no washing. 3242 pope1in av. GIRL Young girl of 15 or 16 to in housework: no washing. Apply store, 1546 8.

Broadway. GIRL -Good. German, for general housework. 14 or 15 years. Call at 3742.

11th st. (3) GIRLS girls: cook. 820 to 805 per month: nurse, assist ujetairs work. $15 to per month. Call Mrs.

G. Lockett Edwards. 517 South Webster Kirkwood, Mo. GIRL, housework: WI -Neat be colored girl cook for general must good A dress: small family: 20 home night; bring references. 4412 West Belle.

GIRL. Wtd. For light housework nad 2004 plain cooking: stall family: small heated apartment: 110 laundry work; wellfurnished. warm room: wages $18. McP'herson.

HOUSEKEEPER -A working er. 4305 Delmar. 110 objection. Call after 6 p. 808.

N. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged: one child Wright. KITCHEN GIRL Wtd. -For evenings Sundays; good wages. 3956 Mafiitt.

LAUNDRESS Good laundress, at once. 5503 Bartmer av. LAUNDRESS one or two dars, once: references required. 4846 Fountain for work; small family; side 2130 LAUNDRESS White to baseme Olive. LAUNDRESS -Experienced dress 2 days each week; steady work.

3954 Russell. LAUNDRESS White: 2 days A week: must be first-class and iron shirta; ences. 3819 West Pine bi. MAID Wtd. German or French English speaking maid for two children.

Apply 4506 Maryland av. (3) WOMAN Elderly colored woman white girl; good home. 2020 Locust. WOMAN general bousework sist with children. 2912 Lawton WOMAN To care for old couple; good home and good wages.

3227 Vista. (3) WOMAN elderly woman to assist housework and care for child. 1210 Bayard. WOMAN White, to cook and do light housework in small family; good wages. 4920A McPherson av.

GENERAL FEMALE ADDRESSERS addressers: per 1000: steady work: answer quick: reterences. Ad. 139. Post-Dispatch, BILI. CLERK lady as assistant bill elerk: good and quick writer and rect at figures.

Ad. 1 148, Post-Dis. BINDERY GIRL Wtd. -Experienced. P.

Richarz Wainwright Bldg. CANVASSER Lady: $1 a day. comm sion and car fare. Call 1004 Olive. (3) CANVASSERS Ladles, to demonstmte from house to house on the card pinn; give experience and references.

Ad. 117. Dispatch. (4) CHAMBERMAID Wtd. Hotel Rozler, 13th' and Olive.

CHAMBERMAIDS Wtd. -Apply Southern Ho. tel. (2) CHOCOLATE DIPPERS Good wages. Candy 2018 Market.

(6) Plows Kitchen, CHOCOLATE 216 MPPER Collinsville East St. Louts. Finke' Candy (3) CLERK stationery store; -In $4 per confectionery, week. Call news A and Olive st. COOK -White woman.

Staron'8 lunchroom, 1302 Pine. 000K Wtd. corner -Good Grand colored and Morgan: good place second cook. South: enst for right women. COOK First-class woman for small salary.

Ad. Manager Valley' Park good Hotel. Valley Park. Mo. (3) DEMONSTRATORS Two salary experienced and commission: house-to-house call at once.

demonstrators: Menter-Roseubloom 417 Washington av. (7) DINING ROOM GIRL Wid. -Neat dining 824 Wal- girl; board and room: good wages. (2) nut st. DISHWASITER DISHWASHER Good dishwasher.

at WA. 2447 Washington a small restaurant. Laclede. once: Wid. -Woman; in lunchroom.

DISHWASHER 2921 olive. FRAMEMAKERS Wtd. Sylvester -Experienced Clark. girls 015 to make wire frames. Lucas.

(8) FRAME makers. MAKERS Sylvester 0. Judge, 1819 Wtd. Experienced wire frame Pine. GIRLS 2339 Choutean.

GIRLS -Expertenced help for dressmaker. 4362 Laclede. Colored girl to wait on lunch GIRL, counter at once. 2807 Manchester GIRLS Peckham Wtd. candy To work factory.

7th and in factory. Apply to GIRLS Ten girls for week work: state salary: teach new heln. 3001 Texas, GIRL Wtd. -At Antikamnta Chemical: Co.4 1624 Pine GIRL WAd. State To sort Republican Pub.

Olive. Inbels and wrap paclo nges. -In packing root. St. Louis GIRLS.

6000 N. Broadway. State (8) GIRLS -Experience unnecessary. 025 Main st. GIRLS steady To work.

New Olian 717 buttons. 35 to per week; (3) av. GIRLS -Over 14: can make from $4.50 to $12 612 per S. 7th st. (51 week, nt Fulton Bag and Burl GIRLS WEd.

work: good pay. Apply 618 N. Colored: for light factory work: mercial st. (S) atendy GIRLS well while learning. 8.

Haas, 14th and In. To learn millinery trades, pal4 (2) cust. GIRLS To make artificial learners. Missouri Feather Mfg. (5) 19th.

WId. -Hewing operators on pants and GIRLS overalls: steady work; high speed machines. 3001 Texas av. GIRLS WA Experienced machine baster and presser of vesta, 1823 cor. Park av.

(M) GIRLS Experienced candy best wares pai4 in the city. Plows, Candy olive. GIRLS WEd. -for factory work; 14 to years; Standard Milla, 1020 S. (5) steady employment: $4.75 start.

GIRLS WEd. -For factory work; 14 to 18 Mills, employment: 1428 $4.75 per week to yearn; Southern S. 9tl start. GIRL, -Experienced machine paster carriage trimming Western shop; Carriage call once. work: ct Broadway.

GIRLS WEd. -14 to 16 years: light work: 001 perlence not take elevator to office, necessary. Bro. Rag 5. 4th floor.

hand and GIRLS finishers on Averill Tailoring Broadalso girls to learn; steady work. way and Pine. To learn hand on men' GIRLS neckwear: experience not work. wages and steady McKinney neckwear factory, 1006 5th floor. KITCHEN HELPER Good kitchen helpready for work.

3739 er: come LADIES To advertise baking powder; 810 week: day carfare. 408 Starket room MACHINE BANDS, ETC. machine buster 03 electrie power, 621 Lynch OPERATORS Wed. sewing machine and overall: steady work: on pants prices paid. 3001 OPERATORS Wtd.

25 overall operator pants operators. 15 miners. Broadway a and Several good operators OPERATORS, learning stendy work. Delmar 415 8th PAINT CLEANER -Hotel Baater, and olive PANTRY GIRLS WIG. ITotel 13th ani Olive.

MALE. SALESLADIER wtd. For clonk salt steady positions, Gatelyla, 812 N. Broadway, SEWING GIRT -Steady work: par. 3065 Matitt SHIRTMAKERS to learn; DILF week work whtle Ina: special Inducementa given enced opera test lighted and ventilet workrooms, the steady work rear round and The Shirt 005 Lucas SKIRT HAND Wed.

Good 1318 Olive Louis Clank Co. SKIRT wager. Fur 1318 Olive..

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2025)
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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.