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Christian communities have existed in India since at least the 4th century ce, the likely result of relatively well-established trade connections between India and the Near East in the early centuries of the Common Era. While Christians maintained a lively and well-documented existence in the centuries after that, particularly in southern India, the size of the Christian population, as well as its geographical spread, began to increase dramatically after the arrival of European traders and missionaries in the late 15th century. European contact with India through trade and then, later, colonization led to greater European interest in Indian cultures and religions. While for some that interest was scholarly and dispassionate, for others it grew out of the evangelical impulse, that is, the desire to promote Christianity and “convert the heathen.” That said, some of the most useful ethnographic data and analyses on Indian culture and religion in this era of Indo-European interaction co...
Legal Encounter between the Catholic Church and Indian Culture: Historical Overview and Contemporary Challenges – Part I
Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 2021
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The article first presents a brief historicaloverview of the complex Indian cultural roots by highlighting the stagesof growth of the Indian legal culture and Indian ecclesial presence andthen moves on to present the contemporary challenges that this hasprovoked within the civil society and the Indian Church. The secondpart also discusses some ecclesial challenges like adapting ecclesiasticallaws for the Churches in India, relationship between the sui iurisChurches, commitment towards equality in the Church, and need forinculturation and inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue in India today.
Intertwining Christian Mission, Theology, and History: A Case Study of the Basel Mission among the Thiyyas and Badagas of Kerala, 1870–1913
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For centuries, various denominations of Christian missionaries have contributed in a larger way towards the spread of Christianity among the people of Indian sub-continent. Each Church had its own principles of preaching the word of God and undertook welfare activities in and around the mission-stations. From establishing schools to providing medical aids, the Christian missionaries were involved in constant perseverance to improve the ‘indigenous’ societies not only in terms of amenities and opportunities, but also in spiritual aspects. Despite conversion being the prime motive, every Mission prepared ground on which their undertakings found meanings and made an impact over people’s lives. These endeavours, combining missiological and theological discourses, brought hope and success to the missionaries, and in our case study, the Basel Mission added to the history of the Christian Mission while operating in the coastal and hilly districts of Kerala during the 19th and the 20th cent...
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West India
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From Christian Ashrams to Dalit Theology – or Beyond? An examination of the indigenization / inculturation trend within the Indian Catholic Church
Constructing Indian Christianities. Culture, Conversion and Caste, 2014
By the time of the Vatican II Council, creative renewals in the so-called ‘inculturation’ movement were already well underway in India. But these renewals were invigorated by the Council’s relatively positive valuation of the diversity of cultures and religions, as demonstrated, for example, in the Dignitatis humanae Declaration’s acceptance of religious freedom for all humankind. Because of this, in the 1970 and 1980s, the inculturation project thrived in India, manifesting itself in different ways, such as in the Catholic ashram movement, Indianised liturgies and the development of different types of dialogue. By the late 1980s, however, the movement was beginning to run out of steam. The inculturation project came to be seen by some Indians as something artificial and imposed, and ferocious critiques against its putatively ‘imperialist’ origins and tendencies emerged. As we shall see, non-Christian critics like Sita Ram Goel (1988) deemed Catholic Ashrams sinister and predatorial, while within the Church, theologians began to be more vocal about ‘the need for a reinterpretation of the Gospel in tune with the requirements of radical social action’ (Kappen 1985: ii). Thus, liberation, Dalit, tribal, feminist, and ecological theologies progressively gained momentum, and came to be seen as the new theological vanguard. In this context, intercultural and interreligious initiatives began to languish and lose energy, it seems, while these newer innovative theological movements took the initiative.But is the inculturation project now moribund? Are indigenisation and inculturation ventures now irrelevant, nothing more than a passé fad of a bygone era? This paper examines the curious process by which inculturation became tremendously problematic for many (though not all) Indian Christians. My intent is not to critique the theological bases of inculturation in a normative way, but rather to articulate and enumerate the factors that explain its historical decline. The analyses focus mainly on inculturation in the Roman Catholic context, though I will also attend occasionally to Protestant voices. The structure of this chapter is quite straightforward. At the beginning, I define the boundaries of my analysis, clarify what is meant by the (Catholic) notion of inculturation (and similar concepts such as indigenisation), and present a short historical review. Afterwards, I examine the factors involved in the decline of inculturation, focusing both on social/political and theological factors.
Authority, Representation, and Offense: Dalit Catholics, Foot Washing, and the Study of Global Catholicism
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Nidān: International Journal For Indian Studies, Vol. 7. Issue 2 (December 2022)
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The Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies
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Contemporary Research: An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal, 2021
Mukti Suvedi
Introduction: There is debate whether most Nepali people still want Nepal to be a Hindu state. A significant number of opinions wish to see the country as secular, where people are respected with dignity without any discrimination where people can profess, practice, and protect their religions, whichever religion it may be. Methods: This paper is based on public opinion surveys through interviews and discussions with100 individuals, including key informant interviews with 25 religious leaders from different religions conducted between September 20019 and February 2020 and secondary data from various literature reviews. Results: The paper's finding reveals that the public's preference toward the Hindu state is not accepted in all sub-national levels; a secular state preference is evident in some of the sub-national levels, which cannot be undervalued. The mindsets of most of the elder populations interviewed still want Nepal to be the only Hindu state in the world, whereas th...
A Missional Analysis of the Growth of –“Church of God (Full Gospel) In India” Churches in Kandhamal, Odisha
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Dalit Christian Reservations: Colonial Moorings of a Live Debate
International Journal of Asian Christianity, 2018
Chandra Mallampalli
Since 1950, the Government of India has maintained its policy of denying affirmative-action benefits to Dalit converts to Christianity. Debates about Dalit Christian reservations are most often centered on contemporary political trends. Far less attention is paid to developments during the colonial period, when sharp differences between religious ‘communities’ were formulated as policy. As much as the colonial state attempted to grapple with ethnographic realities on the ground, it ultimately embraced an idealized notion of a ‘casteless Native Christian community’. Against massive data that revealed the persistence of caste among converts, this idea of casteless Christianity was readily appropriated by the postcolonial state, which has been all to eager to use it as the basis for denying affirmative action to Dalit Christians. Dalit Christians seeking a change to this policy must therefore grapple with the past, by refuting assumptions embedded in nineteenth-century missionary rheto...
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