Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)

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THE POST IS EASIER TO READ AND WORTH WHILE THE DAILY POST THH POST IS EASIER TO READ AND WORTH WHILE VOL JEERSON CITY MO TUESDAY NOVEMBER 13 1917 NUMBER 103 ITALIANS WITHSTOOD IRST BLOW ON PIAVA Austro Germans and Victor Eman uel's Men ace Each Other Along the River rf 'f London Nov 13 Reports re ceived from the Italian' front to day are to the effect that the first blow aimed by the Austro German forces at the Pieva river positions of the Italians have been success fully beaten off The strip of water between the opposing forces is about a half mile wide and at some points a mile wide The Italians are en trenched back of the west bank and the Austro German forces are on the right bank of the river Heavy shelling preceded the Teu ton attack the Italians have also resisted the Germans on the northern front where flanking movements have been undertaken THE BOLSHEVIKI ARE OVERTHROWN DISPATCH Stockholm Nov 13 A dis patch is to the effect that Korni loff has entered Petrograd and that the entire garrison except the sailors have gone over to him inish papers say that the Bol sheviki has been overthrown ELSTON HOUSE GONE East Wall was Pulled Down and Capitol Yard is Clear The Elston House disappeared today when the east wall was pulled down The capitol yard is now clear from the postoffice to Broadway The work of wrecking the temporary capitol building is well 'underway and it will soon disappear Next the old Supreme Court building is to come down No effort will be made to save the brick from the old building and Yhe walls will be pulled down DIPHTHERIA ATAL TO LITTLE REVA BOYCE 4 Determined ight to SaveChild Life Proved utile No ur ther Cases Reported I Little Reva Boyce lost her fight with death at 2 :1 5 this afternoon The little girl became ill from diphtheria ten days ago and a most determined fight was made to save her A total of 75000 units of diphtheria antitoxin was used in an effort to save her rallied at first and it was thought that she would recover Later she suffered a relapse some thing that occurs only rarely under the treatment used nowa days Monday the child also de veloped an attack of pneumonia She was six years old and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Boyce residing on St Louis Heights One brother Vincent 9 years old besides her bereaved parents mourns her death uneral arrangements have not been made Rev Proctor will probably conduct the services and burial will be made in Riverview cemetery This is the first death from diphtheria during the present epidemic The other eases are re ported much improved and on a fair way to recovery No new cases have been reported and if the disease is held in check the schools will not be closed Returned rom Minnesota Mr and Mrs George Distler have returned from RogerMinn where they spent the summer Mr Distler is well pleased with the country and especially with the size and quality of the potatoes raised in that section of the coun try Of course glad to get back to old Cole county Oats for sale Beck phone C15 black Adv Three Second Hand CARS GOOD CONDITION 1 i GARAGE 317 MONROE ST PHONE 885 GRAND JURY CASES TO TRIAL NEXT WEEK Supoenas Issued in Three Cases Attorney Says All Are Ready or Trial 1 1 Practically all the cases result ing from the grand jury quiz will ue tried during the November term of the court It was thought that the majority of the men would ask a continuance and that the eases would probably notbe called until the March term Practically all however have an nounced themselves ready for trial Supoenas have been issued the cases of John Scott John Riner and Lee Jordan The cases will be tried November 19 20 and 21 respectively Attorney A Dumm who represents all the defendants said that they would all be ready for trial when the eases were called Only the men indicted in connec tion with the oil deals will ask a continuance The attorneys for both Mr Korns and Mr Richard son stated that they were ready for trial but that they had busi ness in other parts of the country on the days when their eases are set for trial here The docket for this term is the largest in the history of the county Nearly 150 eases are on the docket The criminal docket is especially large this time There are about thirty divorce cases Not more than half of these however were filed between the July and November terms The others were continued from the July term AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS Will be Installed at the Prison in Near uture An automatic sprinkler system will be installed in the prison in the near future The prison board is now receiving bids on the con templated improvement It is estimated that' the sprink ler system will cost the state in the neighborhood of $45000 It will be installed in every factory and will greatly reduce the insur ance cost at the prison The state lost considerable in the fires at the prison and the in surance rate because of the lack of fire protection was high With the sprinkler system installed the insurance rate will be reduced from $105 to 55c uneral Today Emil Roesen was laid to rest in the city cemetery this morning at 10 Services were held at the undertaking parlors of Oliver and Heinrichs by Rev Stoerker The pallbearers were A Artz Tanner rank Iloerscheir Henry Andrae Emil Schott and Adam Koecher Notice No hunting allowed on our farms Will prosecute trespassers William Isom COUNCIL TO AWAIT ATTORNEY'S OPINION If City Build Sewer for Hays It Will be Up to the Commercial Club Unless City Attorney Luckett finds that the city cannot legally build the server leading to the factory the council will on Thursday night pass an ordinance ordering the construction and work will begin at once The council last night definitely agreed to pass" such an ordinance if it was found that there was no legal objection A majority of the aldermen will vote for it The meeting last night was at tended by a largq number of citi zens The lobby was so crowded that chairs had to be brought from the Commercial Club rooms to accommodate them all Among those in attendance were Messrs Dallmeyer Decker I) Gordon Dr Mansur McLaughlin Schuetz Dr orth red Wolff Landman Wright Winkelman II Heinrichs Louis Henry A Happy Tom Kierns II Westhues Irwin rank St George and Nolan Some of the men present were of the impression that the council could order the work done while olhers thought that there might be legal objection to it It was decided to leave the matter to the city attorney who is to make an exhaustive inquiry and then re port his findings to the council Thursday night Unless the city builds the sewer it will be up to the Commercial Club to do so since that was among the guarantees made Hays to induce him to keep his factory here A scheme to let the property owners in that section of the city foot the bill did not meet with approval Such action would put an unfair and unnecessary burden upon II Dulle and Jones who own pasture land along the proposed route of the sewer They would be called upon to pay out several hundred dollars for a sewer and pobably derive no benefits for some time to come The scheme now is to have the city to lay out the sewer district and pay for it and then let the individual property owners pay for it when they build houses and utilize the sowers It is estimated that the sewer will cost in the neighborhood of $1000 This would be up to the Commercial Club if the city found itself unable to build the sewer under the plan outlined AN ALARMING RUMOR Caused Much Speculation Among Colored People About Town A rumor has been current for the past forty eight' hours that two of the negroes who left here with the draft quota died at unston and would be brought here for burial It was only a rumor but like rumors usually do spread rapidly and caused no end The All Season Waist for Thrifty Women 3 the WIRTHMOR at 8100 The Quality Has Been Maintained The Price Remains the Same I 1 Oh Sale Today SOLD BY US EXCLUSIVELY THE LINHO DRY GOODS COMPANY MADISON STREET PHONE 194 ct Yak i A JT of alarm and speculation among the colored people of the city Both undertaking establishments received numerous phone calls and several colored people called at the adjutant office to ascer tain the facts Numerous causes of death were given Some of the tales were quite impossible but tended to frighten some of the boys who are on deck for the next call REHG MARRIED ormer Local Baseball Star Has Become a Benedict "Wichita Kan Nov 13 Walter Rehg outfielder for the Boston Braves returned to Wichita Sun day to spend the winter with his parents Mr and Mrs Conrad Rehg Rehg surprised his friends by bringing home with him a bride Their marriage took place a week ago in Boston Rehg is well known here where he started his baseball career with Billie Ruwart He was one of the star twirlere Seeeo Brock man was the other urniture ads a I furniture known We mean by that that our values are not ficticious but real and any ai tide bought in our store is worth every dollar you pay for it All Kinds of Gift urniture Store of OLIVER HEINRICHS NEXT TO CAPITOL URNITURE AND UNDERTAKING PROVIDE DISPOSAL ANIMAL CARCASES New Ordinance Introduced Pro vides for Letting of Contract Several Bidders An ordinance was introduced at the meeting of the council Mon day night which provides for the disposal of carcasses of animals throughout the city It is under stood that several people will offer bids for the contract when the ordinance is finally passed The ordinance provides that within 12 hours after an animal is dead the owner must notify cither the police department or the health officers Within six hours thereafter the health officer or police must notify the con tractor who must remove the carcass immediately The city sonic time ago received instructions from the government to make other provisions for the disposition of dead animals than to simply throw them in the river as has been the custom here for years The ordinance was drafted under the supervision of the health officer It was referred to the committee on ordinance and printing where amendmeuts wille tacked on and changes made It will come up for final passage at an early date It is understood that several parties will bid for the contract and that the successful bidder will construct a plant somewhere near the city where' the carcasses will he reduced to fertilizer Invade the CapitoL Mrs Irwin will head a committee which is to solicit for the A and A funds among the officers and clerks at the capitol The mem bers of the committee are Mrs Theodore Burkhardt Mrs IL Phillips Mrs Painter Mrs Otto Schultz Mre Paul Hunt Miss Amelia Monnig and Miss Nadine ischer Attend the 500 party given by the young ladies of Immaculate parish Tuesday Nov 13th at at Knights of Columbus hall Everybody in vited Adv LOOK! Protected from Corset Wear and Tear SEE THIS NEW IDEA IN PETTICOATS Outwears two of the ordinary kind and costs no more Cort ft Steel iff jCk I can riot tear li I I Ik 1 fAru A 1 Itnin? IL Ntl 1 Lock for name rewn In tach furmnfT yr On your next shopping trip come in and see this one new real petticoat idea that certainly fills a long felt want Made of high grade taffeta silk but outwears two ordinary taffeta silk petticoats because of the PRO TECTO feature We show a great variety of styles colors and dainty flounces We know you will buy one tell your about it and thank us for calling this exceptional value to your attention 1 1 I 1 I I I Patronize the Merchxnta who Advertise fa THE DATLY POST ANOTHER SHIPMENT Neckties RY AN EM SHOE STORE.

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Jefferson City Post-Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2025)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.