@BladeSerph8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Gonna be honest, the fact you are actually HAMPERED on catching monsters before you `build a rep` in a realm, kind of rubbed me the wrong way, once i learned about this after playing the demo about a month or so ago and always wondered why it was so insanely difficult to `recruit` monsters in the 2nd region compared to the first in the demo.
It would of honestly been better if it had a slew of sidequests (Unless they decided to leave that out till VERY later into the game and ONLY in the full game and not the demo) you use to build up a Rep meter and it unlock various QoLs for those maps, such as increased move speed, monsters are less inclined to charge at you, increasing the success rate thru THAT WAY. Instead of it being some invisible switch you trip after winning in tournaments instead. Very least it would feel more solid to spreading your `infamy` via deeds done for the public then a tournament that apparently everyone in that specific realm are aware of, including the `wild` beasties.
Very least that would create an incentive to chase down sidequests, BEFORE the major milestone tournaments(Like how most monster catchign games i recall normally FUNCTION), plus maybe throw in extra bonuses like unlock special areas where only special monsters exclusive to that zone would appear in or shops with very useful items like maybe a `Honey glazed set of meats` that would be especially effective in the `human realm` of monster recruits and you could unlock buying poisoned meats which would be effective in the 1st monster realm, which its first zone is based around a poisonous swamp.
Cause when i think of an RPG i normally think of actually having more then just a `linear path` of things todo and actually getting rewarded with ACTUALLY useful goods for going off the beaten path, then simply getting more of the same stuff i could buy in the shop. Even the first region`s only major boon i could think of is a high level Gigantes enemy that would wipe the floor with you, but if you likely could get strong enough, then you could `maybe` get the opp to recruit it or use it as a good source of leveling early in the game. Though if we had a `actual` use for consume`ables then them feeling so non-necessary, besides maybe restoring MP to let one of our units cover healing then having to split buy stock between herbs & MP restoring items instead, Which any game that has a limited inventory just is a major finger flip when they trivalize the need for most consume`ables in the first place, so why stock up on status healing items if the stuff heals after a battle and the same if you could just hoarde a bunch of MP recovery items and have 5 to 10 uses of `healing` per consume`able your `healer slime` could perform then needing to use 3 or more `herbs` to fully heal up your party instead to take up limited inventory space, as earlier dragon quest games tended to go with.
P.S. Just to add more to it:
The fact you have to pay attention to things like how high the stats of your mons are to up the odds of catching on top of that, just incentivizes power leveling your monsters, THEN go catching the monsters means you have to spend a ridiculous amount more time, only to then BREED your monsters back to lower stats, chase them back up to high level again to have those `good odds again`, While things like Frenzy, reducing stats, lowering thar hp without killing them by `accident`, feels more of a hassle to catching.
Which by then you be better off just spamming auto battle to ZERG everything till they randomly decide to join you like how it went for the original dragon quest monster games, literally just taking the Gameboy Approach instead, then wasting money on meats, spend time playing a 12~25% or something odds of recruiting a monster, only for it to fail twice and lose the chance permanently and gotta enter an entirely new battle todo it again.
Hell, i remember a few other certain games, such as Moonstone Island i believe being a recent one who use a similar catching system with `foods` and kept things simple by just filling up the dang heart todo the job instead, then having to have half a dozen extra confusing mechanics on top of it. Which is why i keep saying Dark prince should NOT of been a 60 dollar game, because its needlessly convoluted and not even bother to have any polished mechanics to have a more effective means to recruitment then simply punching stuff till they become a masoch*st for you.
@zeosummers39848 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
reputation is actually the opposite . DQM has always had a lower chance to recruit if you didn't do extra steps but with the rep it's easier to help with bolstering your ranks. it's hard to tell because it doesn't seem like it. you can recruit stronger monsters if you have a strategy but it's not gonna be the simple hit, status, throw pokeball and wait. you're incentivize to actually fight it. It's actually pretty easy to just guarantee a catch. Most monster games is all about finding the one you like and raising it and after you got a team the real reason to catch is completion.
you can go about auto battling and blitzing for a recuit. i'll just spend 1 extra turn and a item to guarantee a catch. it's infinitely easier than throwing pokeballs after pokeballs.@BladeSerph8 หลายเดือนก่อน
@@zeosummers3984 and clearly you missed the point.
The point was a progression system to build up to making the ‘hunt’ more smooth and not have a ridiculously low catch rate tied to a bunch of factors that most are meaningless, just like with Pokémon, but in the case of Pokémon atleast you can SEE the hp bar and level of the Mon so you can control how low you want it, with putting up status effects vastly increasing the rate.
Because dark prince relies on having ALL your monsters alive, then having super high stats, if you hucked a meat at them, if you progressed past a KEY point in the game AND if you maybe chipped thar hp and thrown a status effect on them for just a HIGHER CHANCE to catch them but you CANT simply spam Scout and then you have wasted MULTIPLE resources AND TIME to attempt a catch, just to try it again.
Which instead of just power leveling a posse, you have to fuse two, AFTER you maximized its level enough to get enough carry over value to hopefully get a stronger inheritance and repeat the process of leveling them back up to have stats similar to your old stuff or more to try and catch even more.
So yeah it’s not throw one meat to boost the odds, it’s throw one meat to ‘hope’ it boost the odds enough to catch them in two tries, maybe 3 which god knows the rate of recruit on defeat vs scouting is.
Which yeah, each time you fail todo it in a battle, means you wasted resources, likely need to find another spawn and outside of save scumming, very sure you are gonna be burning money on meats, which I don’t believe you have many means to stockpile if you don’t mind going thru dozens of meats if you want to catch specific monsters for specific fusions.
Aka kind of why despite my issues with Pokémon, atleast I have better and simple odds to catch and I can throw 99 poke balls if I’m that thirsty to shove a legendary in a regular pokeball just for the lulz, which atleast since gen 2, they have tools for catching in specific situations, then have to skip entire regions first before I want a ‘optimal’ point for recruiting monsters.
Which atleast dragon quest treasures had it way less confusing to handle, just do tasks, yeet monsters and get them on a task list of hucking items to get them, still a boring game in many regards but atleast they kept it simple just like DQ Builders did and the previous dragon quest monsters and DQmonsters Joker series did.@zeosummers39848 หลายเดือนก่อน
@@BladeSerph I’m sorry you had to think. I’m very sorry everything wasn’t given to you on a silver platter. I’m extremely sorry you can’t recognize profession when stating right back at you.
@fsmjolnir8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Dude are you ok?@@BladeSerph
@lukaskhan997 หลายเดือนก่อน
System works fine for me. I acquired most monsters heading to the boss of each area and whichever ones I didn't I could easily nab after I beat the boss. If you spend time breeding and grinding a little bit at some point in the early game it pays off in the long run. Getchoo some decent attackers that you can keep around for a while like the robokiller and krystalinda, and use the rest of your party to breed up new baddies.